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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. Raise your hand if you looked at us last early offseason against the former NFC champs, Carolina, the Saints, a Tampa team with Jameis Winston, the perennially competitive Bengals and one of the most consistently competitive divisions (AFC West) and thought that 9-7 would be a lock and we would finally end the drought. I sure didn't think it was a lock, and I absolutely didn't see us beating the Falcons and Broncos. After Week 4, I absolutely didn't see us losing to the Chiefs. I didn't see us losing once to the Jets or the Chargers. That's why we play the games. EDIT: For the record, when I was back in Buffalo over the summer working, listening to WGR I kept hearing about how we were doomed to another 6-10 season. Again, this is why we play the games.
  2. Dude, I'm a Tyrod fan. I'm in no hurry to shove him out the door, and think we would look better with an improved supporting cast. but the answer to your question is...yes. And that doesn't equal this team going 3-13 for 4-12. We do have holes, but our two firsts this year, and a 2019 1st is not going to break our backs. We still have FA to cover our holes, along with two seconds and a third. Our starting secondary seems set. Hughes and Lawson are decent enough on the ends, and I think that we can get capable DTs and LBs in the 2nd and and 3rd rounds. We will be far from perfect, but I don't see 3-13 or 4-12.
  3. They should instead remove the instant first down on a holding call. I don't have a problem for getting extra yards because your man beat the corner deep and could have taken it to the house. I have an issue when a CB breathes the wrong way on a receiver at 5.000000001 yards past the line of scrimmage and a 3rd and 20 becomes a first and 10.
  4. I'm happy to have him. I would have liked to keep Gaines, but this is, at worst, a nice complementary piece.
  5. I agree. My annoyance is that it's set off an arm's race where teams scramble to pay mediocre QBs gobs of money because unless you have an elite guy, you need someone to get hot at the right time with an otherwise elite squad to stand a chance.
  6. The thing is that due to the structure of how they reworked his 2016 contract, cutting him would have resulted in $0.1 M on the cap. His signing bonus would been wrapped over to count for the bonus on the books. This way by paying it, we have a 1 year, $10M contract to offer for a low end starter, high end backup. That is decent trade bait and an ok backup plan
  7. Amen. I think even the biggest TT fans know we should look to upgrade, but we've seen much worse (Peterson) Even if he's not a bridge, and we go get Rosen or Darnold, the Eagles reaped massive benefits by trading up for Wentz and then dealing Bradford. This just makes perfect sense. PS, just got back from Black Panther too. I really liked Michael B Jordan. That was one of the best villains in a long time for Marvel.
  8. ,This is such an obvious decision I'm almost surprised that the usual suspects are throwing a tantrum. Almost. Here is what will help you suck your thumb in the corner: A) Cutting Taylor after the bonus gives us near exactly the same amount of cap space as before. B) this Makes Taylor more tradable, so we would get rid of him AND get something. See how broken the market was to see the Chiefs get what they got for Alex Smith C) Even if not cut or traded, if he is bad as you say, whatever rookie we draft will best him in camo. They can't all be paste eaters like Peterman, right?
  9. It makes absolute sense to me. The signing bonus hit prevents us from saving much by not waiting. This way, we have a bridge QB while we hunt for a rookie at worst and and some great trade assets at best
  10. I'm pretty sure it's almost the exact same. The issue to cap hit is that he got a signing bonus on his 2016 contract that was annualized. That dead cap creates almost as much of a cap hit than any bonus savings. What paying the bonus does is give a trade that is a very nice one year option to someone who loses out on the Cousins bidding. $10 M a year for a one year free and clear contract? If there is another Bridgewater or Tannehill situation that's a bargain compared to Glennon or Cutler.
  11. Fixed I usually like DraftTek (with our own Astro!), but especially this year with reasons to trade up in the first round, it's really hard to predict how things fall.
  12. Oh irony. Perhaps my syntax could have better, but that clearly was your "the school admins are to blame for an angry 19 year old arming himself, and blowing them and innocents away" Then there was your "it's not having fathers" argument. In short, you are free wheeling toane everyone except the killer...and the people who passionately fight any change that would have prevented him
  13. Ehhh. It's not like we get all that much cap space for cutting him and it's not like he has a roster bonus. I think it's worth keeping him around at least through the draft/UDFA. If we get a better UDFA to take his spot, great, but I'd rather not worry about yet another empty roster spot. It's ok, nate had four more changes to blow away
  14. I see what you did there I honestly felt bad for him. At the time, he was considered a lock for the first round, and they kept cutting back to him. And of course, over the course of many hours, as you anxiously wait about your future, you don't feel great. Now, I loved pounding him as a Jet, but until he got taken, I couldn't hate on him too much. It's just a sad monkey's paw wish I got when I hoped EJ would be better than him.
  15. I based it off of the article written by the vet who said that it was, in terms of functionality, nearly identical to ease of use and effectiveness as what they use on the range. I figured they would know better than you or I. I do appreciate the nice little side step about not addressing how access to weapons is somehow equivalent to a ballot.
  16. I just need to ask...how tar covered does a shell where a soul once was have to be look at a mass shooting, where a 19 year old had access to a civilian model assault weapon, gas grenades, the wherewithal to flood the range with targets and then sneak out, and decide to start blaming the discipline of other children? ...Because access to being involved with civics is the exact same as access to a device whose sole purpose is bodily harm and death. I think drinking age should be lower too, but come on, it is lunacy to try to equate the two things.
  17. It would definitely be outside the box to franchise a player you already have under contract
  18. I'm on board for signing both, but you will never see be complain about spending a day 3 pick on an extra corner. If anything, it's cheap depth. I was so annoyed when Cockrell got cut, only to become a solid corner for the Steelers
  19. I am especially ok with the price of our two firsts this year and our first next year. That still leaves our two seconds to fill in obvious gaps at D-tackle and WR
  20. People who have seen me post know that I've been an advocate for Tyrod as bridge QB. But if the Bills love Rosen, and are willing to leverage every asset possible to get him, let's roll with it!
  21. I'm going to repeat what a lot of people have said: that Jeffrey checked the formation with the line judge beforehand. Now, if you want to hit the Enhance button enough times to figure out down to the millimeter where someone was lined up, and it was off, then it's a no call, but it looks like the Eagles make legitimate attempts to make sure they were in an acceptable formation. And of course, no one is mentioning how, on the play before that, Alshon Jeffrey was mugged in the end zone with a no call. Scoring there would have eliminated the need for the "Philly Special". Same thing on the interception, where if the refs were being ticky tak, that could have been holding. They called fairly consistently through the game, and gave the Patriot DBs plenty of leeway.
  22. Make no mistake, I would like Frazier back. Our DB group was very sound. If not...maybe try to get Donnie Henderson back? Our DBs had some very good years under him..
  23. There's is a moment when it's officially over when a girl at the front downs her drink with a forlorn look of disappointment. I have been that person too many times not to relate.
  24. I think that is partially why I get along with Eagles fans. Philly fans yesterday: "DALLAS! SUCKS!" Me: "I can get behind that." Philly fans: "F**K TOM BRADY!" Me *shouting now*: "F**K TOM BRADY!"
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