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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. *pat pat pat* Awww, it's so cute when he pretends he knows people. He thinks he has friends. Give me data. Give me something that can be independently verified. Because all I've seen from you lot is: "I FEEEEEEEELZ A BORDER WALL WILL WORK. NO, I AIN'T GOT NO PROOF, BUT GRANDPAPPY JIM SAYS THAT BROWN PEOPLE ARE RAPISTS, AND SO DID ORANGE MAN11111 WHY YOU DOUBT ORANGE MAN? yOU HATE AMERICA!!!11111" I have almost shat myself laughing at your "feelz" comments, when I keep bringing independently verified facts, and you come with "NUH UH!!!" It is like watching a special ed student try to get into a debate. At first, it's funny, but the more it's just...sad.
  2. Again, just wanted to hope back in the parts about how wall is useless, including against the movement of goods. The Cato Institute one is of special note in that regard.
  3. Awwww, Rhino's kindergarten reading level prevents him from reading the quote. I have to thank you. You are singlehandedly disproving the ideas of eugenics.
  4. That's cute. I didn't ask if Agent Uncle Jimmy ***** likes it. He and his SO are free to get into whatever "the brown people are raping me" fantasies that they like. I asked if the people, the people the Trump administration has tasked with stopping human trafficking and sex trafficking think it will do jack. The answer is no. As an addendum: Your little article includes nothing on how effective a wall would be. At anything. *breaks out laughing* Just to continue pointing out how stupid you are. Oh my god, can you get out of a paper bag without dying of thirst? AHAHAHAHAHA
  5. Again, here are the arguments from people who actually are in charge of preventing human trafficking. In which they negate the value of a wall to stop human trafficking. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/border-patrol-officers-us-mexico-border-wall/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/will-trump-s-border-wall-prevent-human-trafficking-experts-aren-n751466 But you like to ignore them. You stupid Mother *****. As a quick note, the fantasies that you concoct while you stroke yourself do not count as evidence, so...come up with something better.
  6. I am curious, does it physically hurt to be this stupid? Both Logic and I have repeatedly given articles written by centrists and conservative sources that explain that a wall has no clear indication of preventing human slavery or child sex trafficking. Not "Orange Man bad!" rants, data and the opinions of people whose job it is to stop the things you claim that you wish to be stopped. I don't approve of any amount. I don't speak for others, but I highly doubt that any of the people who you accuse of not being " interested in putting an end to modern human slavery and child sex trafficking" do either. It's just that we know that wasting money on a wall is going to do nothing to stop it, and takes away resources from things that actually could. It would be like me saying, "You're against spending 5 billion to build the robots from Pacific Rim? It seems that you have no interest in stopping North Korea from obtaining nuclear weapons. How many nuclear weapons do you want North Korea to have?" While having a giant fighting robot might make a part of me very happy, most people would call that a complete waste of time, money and sanity.
  7. As much as I disagree with you normally, yes, it would have been smarter for him to try to show that he was here to make a deal. Instead, Pelosi looks like the diplomat hamstrung by an idiot boss. Of course, now he would be copying Ocasia-Cortez, who had McConnell hiding in the Senate building. https://www.newsweek.com/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-says-wheres-mitch-thats-my-question-she-tries-1294696 Of course, that's asking Lil' Donny to not be a spiteful child. I promise you, not being in the limelight he wants bothers Trump a hell of a lot more than a delayed policy visit bothers Pelosi. Shhhh. Facts only confuse them and make them hostile.
  8. Aww, that's adorable. *Pats head* I mean, "Black people shouldn't be property"...that's nothing. "We will put a man on the moon"...a totally sensible and everyday goal. "Maybe I shouldn't give a crap when a professional sports player makes a silent, non-violent protest?" = MOST RADICAL POSITION IN AMERICAN HISTORY!!!!!!!!! If this is representative of the Republican representative's education, no wonder they can't end a shutdown. I am amazed this one hasn't strangled himself attempting to lace his shoes.
  9. I don't know, you would know about blowing on immature knots...
  10. Well, it seems that you are used to bending over and taking it.
  11. Fixed it for you. Look, this is really simple: The Republican led Senate passed a bill UNANINMOUSLY fund the government. Lil' Baby Trump got a talking to from Ann Coulter and threw a temper tantrum and changed the deal The new House approves the first deal Trump says he won't sign the deal until he gets his money Democrats say "Look, we can talk about that. We have stuff to bargain for, but if we reward you for throwing a tantrum, you are going to do this every few months." Trump continues to act like a small child who just had his toy taken away. McConnell enables him by preventing the Senate from voting on the same thing they unanimously passed a month ago It's so obviously Trump being spiteful and McConnell being spineless.
  12. Dude, I ****ing link the fact checking that back me up. Thank you for, once again, proving that you just refuse unbiased facts. All you do is cover your ears and chant about how wrong I am. It's ok, keep having your tantrum with Lil' Baby Trump. Maybe you have some toys to play with
  13. Yeah, that really is not helping. You can deride their ideas all you want, but I think the future is going to be in the fundraising done by O'Rourke, AOC and Sanders.
  14. I don't know. It's becoming less about the coasts and more about urban centers. Colorado is now considered a "purple" Pennylvania was determined by about half of a percent, with Gary Johnson getting 2%. Similar with Michigan. And that was with a deeply unpopular and unlikeable Hillary Clinton as a candidate. Heck, even Texas has a very strong Democratic contingent due to Austin and some of the cities.
  15. Cool. I am sure that you have chosen the more scientific method of slaughtering fowl and reading their entrails.
  16. You're absolutely right. That was the thinking that let them go full Hillary in 2016 and 2017 I honestly think they run to the left to get *their* base motivated. Is the ACA broken? Universal Healthcare The economy? Green New Deal The deficit? The new 70% tax bracket for income over 10 million Trump constantly being...Trump will never sway his base. But if Democrats stoke their own base, and Trump continues to make unforced errors, they get the middle back.
  17. I already said this, but it answers your question: Right now, Democrats have zero reason to bend. And, if they want to do ANYTHING in the next two years, they have to separate any deal from a government shutdown. The continuing resolutions that can get passed expire in three months, and if Trump knows that he can make insane demands on a whim every three months and they'll cave, he'll keep doing it. In the meanwhile, unless opinion radically shifts, they can let Trump keep shooting himself in the foot for 2020. Polls have people blaming Trump more for the shutdown than Democrats, and if they keep sending bill after bill for a clean passage to open the government and then negotiate for the wall, they keep looking reasonable while Trump keeps killing off votes for anyone outside of his cult. If Trump declares a national emergency for his wall, and then refuses to open the government...whew, I think even Teflon Don is not surviving that. If Trump declares a national emergency for his wall, and then the government opens...oh hey, legal challenge that will stop it like his travel ban. And even then, it will take a year to actually start building, and there's no way the wall gets down before 2020. They don't have to do anything while Trump continues to stick his dick in the meat grinder. Always good to hear sounds coming from the short bus
  18. It's not "too expensive" It's useless. It doesn't stop the flow of people. It doesn't stop the flow of drugs. It won't lower crime No one knows if it will stop human trafficking Building it means forcibly selling land from private citizens It is going to continue to be a massive expenditure to maintain and staff. In short, if you want to wave your dick around about national security, put that money into things that might, I don't know, actually work, like hiring more border agents. Getting more lawyers to process asylum claims. Rework the path the legal residency and/or citizenship which reflects the reality of the situation and establish a way to track people who are here. As for the Democratic platform...well, the newcomers have some ideas. It remains to be seen if Pelosi is able to take them. Actually, I think that might happen. The problem is that we need to separate the shutdown from immigration. The continuing resolutions that can get passed expire in three months, and if Trump knows that he can make insane demands on a whim every three months and they'll cave, he'll keep doing it. Addition: In the meanwhile, unless opinion radically shifts, they can let Trump keep shooting himself in the foot for 2020. Polls have people blaming Trump more for the shutdown than Democrats, and if they keep sending bill after bill for a clean passage to open the government and then negotiate for the wall, they keep looking reasonable while Trump keeps killing off votes for anyone outside of his cult.
  19. ...because you said the problem was brown people?
  20. Ehh, I don't hate them, but you have to plan it well and make sure that it's a profitable route. And thanks for showing the true views of Trumpism on brown people Oh look, you ran away and hid because of the facts hurting your "feelz"! Or did you get triggered by seeing a cartoon of a brown person? Do you need your safe space?
  21. Cool. You want specific evidence that the Wall's benefit does not clearly equal a stop to human trafficking? https://www.inquisitr.com/5243438/fact-checking-a-white-house-claim-that-a-wall-could-stop-drugs-human-trafficking/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/will-trump-s-border-wall-prevent-human-trafficking-experts-aren-n751466 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/border-patrol-officers-us-mexico-border-wall/ Here's a nice little bit from a border agent
  22. ...thank you for validating your inability to see facts that don't cater to your fairy tale delusions. https://www.npr.org/2019/01/08/683205814/fact-check-trumps-oval-office-pitch-for-a-border-wall Border crossings are at a 46 year low, and have been steadily dropping since their peak in 2000. They are lower than 2014 and 2016. According to the DEA most drugs come through legal points of entry Immigrants are statistically less likely to convict crimes than native born residents. I've said all this before. With the same evidence. I know you're "feelz" are butthurt, but you are embarrassing yourself.
  23. Well, apart from the fact that we won't have $25 billion because we spent it on something useless... It is going to require the seizure of private lands via eminent domain. There actually are long term environmental concerns, but I doubt you give a hot deuce about those. I have to think that having your land forcibly sold away from you might bother people. Especially for such a colossal waste.
  24. I honestly think he's overrated. I never feared the Dolphins under him, and Darnold is hardly a lock to even match Tanny.
  25. I think it's because even I, bastion of patience that I am, get annoyed when I provide you two knuckleheads independently verifiable facts, and you go "Nah. You're wrong. Why are you so emotional?" It's like trying to convince small children, only they are cleverer and less stubborn than you two. Ahh man, it's a shame. I kind of liked him, but I guess he missed the fact that we keep finding them. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/oct/10/solar-powered-drug-tunnel-discovered-on-mexican-border-with-california https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/23/us/drug-tunnel-arizona-mexico-trnd/index.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smuggling_tunnel#US–Mexico It's almost like drug cartels are very motivated people and have more ingenuity than Lil' Baby Trump.
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