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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. Hah! But the longer we deny The Plan, the more my lizard overlords can move into position! Or...I could think that...it might be better to fund our intelligence agencies and local law enforcement as a more efficient method to solve a problem. I dont know, that seems like woolly liberal thinking.
  2. It's cool, anyone who isn't in absolute lockstep with GEOUS Trump is clearly a Deep State agent or a brainwashed NPC who only can parrot spoon fed talking points beamed into our heads by Rachel Maddow. Didn't you get the brain implant memo?
  3. But that's the thing: Experts who deal with the issue, both in and out of the government have said that there is no proof that a wall would do anything: To use your example, nails would be local law enforcement, screws would be border and customs agents, the FBI would be nuts and bolts, and a wall is a blowtorch. It doesn't necessarily cause burning down what you are trying to do, but it might and certainly won't help. Again, I feel like I am beating a dead horse here: this is a serious crime with real victims. How about we don't piss away our resources?
  4. *Sigh*...ok, first things first. I have to educate you. Again. 1) I heard on Friday about Bob Kraft being caught with a prostitute. Hilarious. On Monday, I heard a detailed description of the sex slaves that were being held: Horrific. Somehow, this is confusing to you. 2) I've never denied that sex trafficking is fake. What I have repeatedly stated is that experts have repeatedly said that there is no correlation between sex trafficking and physical barrier. 3) Let's take a moment to highlight what works: detectives. Investigation. The human element. 4) You obviously have not been paying attention to this specific case, because the Sheriff who organized the sting has specifically stated the language barrier being with Mandarin. You really think that front of Asian massage parlors were getting floods of South Americans who could only communicate in Mandarin Chinese? In short: you clearly don't give a flying ***** about the victims. You just like stamping your feet because have a nice little hate *****.
  5. I know many of us have been having a good laugh about Robert Kraft getting caught with his pants down. But I didn't hear until yesterday how horrific it was there. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/23/us/robert-kraft-trafficking-florida.html Now, I know everyone here hates human trafficking. I know because I've been lectured about it. So tell me...how was that Wall going to help the Chinese women who were flown in legally, and then had their passports stolen? I mean, it was noticed when a state healthcare worker made a visit and reported a possible crime, followed up by a long sting run by law enforcement who wanted to catch the true crooks. Maybe...just maybe...money is better spent on those things. ?
  6. Ahh ok. That's fair. To me, giving Allen a big bodied player with sure hands to be a check down safety valve could be invaluable. Even if that's this pony's one trick.
  7. I mean, the man has talent. We all saw it. The question was always the work ethic and drug issues. I would be happy to take a flier on him and see if he got his act together.
  8. I'm seeing a lot of people here call him Scott Chandler 2.0 Maybe I'm missing something here, but Chandler was the best TE we've had here in a while. He had his faults, but he was a good route runner with good hands. It wasn't his fault that he had Hackett having him cut at 5 yards on a 3rd &7.
  9. Oooh, look, we have fact checking Ahahaha….right. That's why I link to fact checks and independent journalists. Speaking of which, here is some fact checking on today. https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2019/feb/15/donald-trumps-news-conference-about-national-emerg/ Oh look, hard facts provided by hard government data. But you'll just ignore it, call it a "talking point" and then keep on with your incessant droning on.
  10. This sounds like an awful case of Feelz you have there. Do you get why talking to you is so frustrating? I provide hard data and facts and you declare them " pre-programmed talking points". You then glide over them and present anecdotal evidence. I provide anecdotal evidence that runs counter to you. You scream "feelz" You're never going to change. The good news is, people are finally seeing how full of ***** you are.
  11. As you can see, rather than trying to debunk an argument with facts, they like to resort to namecalling. It's sad and pathetic really.
  12. It's a 4chan thing. Somewhere, they decided that anyone who is against Trump is an "NPC" or "Non-Player Character", because in their strange minds there is no way anyone could have a different opinion unless they had been brainwashed and been thoughtdumped by "the liberal media" It is all the more hilarious that the people who like to use that phrase never have a original idea in their head, and can't be bothered to find independent sources or hard data to back up their ideas.
  13. I'm...sorry, I am looking for evidence. As usual. I am seeing two op eds, and an interview with a Border Patrol union president. You seem to be offering a lot of, what is the phrase the Rhino uses: "Feelz" Meanwhile, here are the hard numbers show: Border crossing arrests are at a 46 year low https://www.npr.org/2017/12/05/568546381/arrests-for-illegal-border-crossings-hit-46-year-low High rates of immigration correlate with less violent crime and less property crime http://immigrationimpact.com/2016/04/29/donald-trump-immigration-crime-facts/ The wall is easily defeated by tunnels: https://abcnews.go.com/US/largest-single-group-migrants-tunnels-border-wall-arizona/story?id=60462672 That's right, in an area with fencing the largest ever single group of migrants crossed the border You really never get tired of being wrong, do you?
  14. I'm sorry, what? You came out of left field here, so I had to take some time to sort out how many ways your crazy ass is wrong. A) I'm not sure what facts you have a dispute about the Wall. Maybe if you actually, you know, indicate what precisely I am wrong about and have legit evidence to back it up, that would be different. But you never do. All you do is gloss over the independently sourced facts and hard data, call it "feelz" and then go on with zero evidence of your own. B) It's an ongoing investigation still. Meuller is still methodically going through his research and questioning. Just because a Republican lead Senate slapped a bow on doesn't mean an independent counsel will. C) Even if the end result doesn't provide enough evidence to convict Trump himself for collusion, you're really going to tell me that his longtime advisor, campaign manager and son all were involved with Russians providing intelligence on his opponent and he knew absolutely nothing? At the very best, he's been exposed for surrounding himself with frauds and crooks. D) Even if he didn't, at this point, there's a very solid chance Mueller has the man nailed 5 ways to Sunday on Obstruction of Justice. Here's a handy chart of all of the changes in the story: https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2019/politics/trump-team-russia-then-now/index.html So...I'll own up to being wrong when I actually am.
  15. Would you feel different about gun control if your family was gunned down in a mass shooting spree? Because that happens a hell of a lot more often than immigrants commit violent crime. The statistics are clear. I know I've been flogging this dead horse, but you have a much higher chance of being killed by a homegrown white nationalist terrorist or gun nut going on a shooting spree than to be the target of an immigrant committing a crime. PS: I almost forgot to mention: A WALL WILL DO NOTHING TO REDUCE VIOLENT CRIME OR DRUG/HUMAN TRAFFICKING
  16. I do have to laugh at all of those nincompoops who seem to think that Trump is on "Next Level Thinking" Pelosi and Schumer have his number here. It takes a Joint Resolution to undo the emergency declaration, and if it passes the House on a simple majority (Which the Democrats easily can bring to the floor and win a majority on) the Senate MUST vote on it. McConnell can't hide it like he did all of those other bills to end the shutdown. You've already had a bunch of Republican senators say that they are against the national emergency. You have a bunch, including McConnell, who are facing elections in 2020. There are legitimate worries that being forced on this will cause infighting in the party over an unpopular issue. And you only need four to flip. https://www.businessinsider.com/state-of-the-union-republicans-warn-trump-against-national-emergency-boder-wall-2019-2 In short, you have Trump picking a deeply unpopular and infeasible project as his hill to die on, and he gets to drag down the rest of his party down with him.
  17. Fixed it for you. Your spelling and grammar are a credit to your political beliefs.
  18. Hey, can someone get that phone? Because I F***ING CALLED IT Of course, at the time, I didn't know that it can also be reversed with a joint resolution, that MUST be voted on if it passes one house of Congress. The whole thing is some nice kabuki theater so Lil Donny can huff and puff about how unfair it is.
  19. I remember a while ago hearing something along the lines of a 4th rounder for Desean Jackson. For me, that honestly would be a nice pickup. It would effectively be a one year rental, but it would give Allen a #1 target who can take advantage of his arm strength.
  20. The point, you moron, is that the decision on DACA, which Trump tried to end a year ago, is still churning its way through the courts. The transgender and Muslims bans took about two years until the injunctions were lifted. If Trump declared a national emergency, it's going to have an injunction so fast your spin will spin. (sadly, not enough to get it out of your ass) And it will, almost without doubt, be blocked, as A) the situation is absolutely not an emergency and B) it's a gross abuse of executive power. In short, the "national emergency" is the fig leaf to the base to try to cover up how much he failed. When it gets blocked, Trump gets to complain about "activist judges", and use the wall again in his rallying cry.
  21. How is that repeal of DACA going?
  22. No one is mentioning that we are reopening the government without a wall? ? Trump got spanked. Hard. I thought he had to go to Moscow for that.
  23. No, I source data that is verifiable, can be cross checked, and also the interpretations of experts in their field. You make up random bull####, and reject reality. And then throw up ***** about "systemic rape and slavery of young Hispanic children" and then promptly ignore anything that might actually help the problem that isn't in your myopic worldview. You reject the idea that "hey, how about 5.7 billion dollars into something that isn't a waste of money" might be a better idea. You reject any reality that isn't your own, and any solution to the problem that isn't the one you have chosen, no matter how poor yours is equals raping children in your mind. You sicken me. You are a hypocrite of the worst kind, and you are too jaw droppingly stupid to realize it.
  24. Their answers were: "No, we don't like thinkpieces. Also, here is a survey of government employees." Yes, I am going out of my way to insult them. I am being the gadfly. But I try to provide fact checked info, try to make sure that I am not pulling dreck from liberal rags. I was once asked, "Why are you so upset." Like you have found, it was, as you put it: "assumed moral and intellectual superiority -- not to mention hypocrisy" of what I have found. Also....let's get back on track from the Wall stuff: Trump has still shut down the government. The House keeps passing the Senate approved bills, if McConnell will let it go to a vote. McConnell and Trump remain the biggest reasons for the shutdown. Wall negotiations can still happen without the collateral damage. Trump just seems to think that he should include that in his bargaining price.
  25. Trump, December 2018: This is what will pass All of the Senate: Ok Trump after watching Ann Coulter: Ok, now add on 5 billion for a wall Democrats:....no, you just said this would pass. You are going back on your promise. Trump: Well, fine, I'll shut the government down then. And I take full responsibility. Democrats: Look, we can talk about the border wall. But you clearly are going back on your word Trump: Lalala SHUTTING IT DOWN *Shuts down the government. People get hurt. People blame Trump Trump: Look at all of this chaos. Now give me what I want. Democrats: *sigh* Look, undo this mess and we can talk. Trump: NO!!!! *People blame Trump more* This is what the polls are saying. yeah...Trump is lucky if Democrats bail his stupid ass out. Cool. Love your...what does Rhino call them? "Feelz"?
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