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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. I won't say that it was an easy catch. But an elite WR makes that catch and makes it look easy. Above average WRs make that catch. That tells you what you need to know about Zay. Serious contributors on elite teams make that play, and he just is not that. He might hang around, but he is clearly not worth re-signing.
  2. Oh yes, but I can immediately hear the cries of "he'll never do that again" or "he used up all his gas" Granted, I am not the biggest fan of overpaying a running back on the wrong side of 30, and I suspect that Beane isn't going to overpay to keep Shady. I think that, all things being equal, he would prefer to go back to Philly so I have a sneaking suspicion that this is the last year of Shady being in a Bills uniform.
  3. I sincerely hope so. He often bounces back from down years and he has abundant motivation to play his heart out. Right now, he is likely playing for the last contract of his career. I am sure he would love to go home to Philadelphia, but to get one last payday, he is going to have to show that he hasn't slown down.
  4. Which is the point of practice, right? At this time of the year the simple installation of the system is done. Now is the perfect time to practice things that have given Allen problems in the past. And they are trying to hard code in that running is the last ditch option
  5. Regarding people freaking out with Morse, I was under the impression that concussion recovery time was within a few weeks. Am I missing something?
  6. I don't think anyone here talking about parking and traffic flow issues is saying it because they hate the idea of having a stadium closer to the city. Personally, I would love it if between canalside and three sports complexes we make it a place to be 12 months out of the year. The problem is that it's the one with the most logistical issues (traffic among them), infrastructure (power grid, plumbing, road construction, land issues (possible public domain or the city ceding land) before we even get to the part where most major league teams ask the city to kick in for the stadium. That's a hard sell to the state government. Now, if Paladino has a group of investors lined up and champing at the bit to fork over money, hey, great for him. But knowing him, he's looking for a pump and dump payday to drive up his real estate value, sell, and flounce away as other people have to make what he sold a reality.
  7. Fully agree. I would honestly think that the necessary infrastructure upgrades would probably be a bigger return on investment than the stadium itself. But that's not something the Pegulas or the NFL can or should pony up for. That means requiring the state or county to likely sink hundreds of millions of dollars never mind the other issues that go into stadium wrangling. In a perfect world, that would be the best option. We are not in a perfect world. Unless Poloncarz is bringing in investors that would handle all stadium costs themselves he should shut up.
  8. Does anyone here really think that Allen is going to be a fully polished player by the end of year two? I say this as a fan of his and I honestly think we've seen improvement this training camp, but I don't think we are going to see his best this year.
  9. I'm not against the idea in theory. I would love it if we could remake the waterfront into a gorgeous piece of sports arena work. However, I am aware of the following: A) The argument that downtown stadiums bring in tons of revenue to local establishments tends to be B.S. Very few people want to go right around the stadium while a game is happening unless they are going to the game already. During the games, and when there are no events, it is wasted space. B) how bad is traffic on the night of a Sabres game when it lets out? Imagine that, with extreme lowball figures, to be three times worse on an NFL gameday. Fixing that alone would be a massive infrastructure and public transportation upgrade. While I do think that might benefit the city as a whole, that's a buttload of money before we even consider the stadium construction costs.
  10. From what I hear, it's the wrong comparison. I am hearing John Randle!
  11. The standing still and waiting to bat the ball is what would let Josh run it in for a TD, were it not for the fact that they are working on his passing. I also think there's also something to the fact that they were running heavy Red Zone drills. It's the time that the D gets to shrink the field and put its biggest bodies up the middle. If the play and some of the throws that we say were the "off" day, I feel pretty good about seeing what he can do vs the Jets.
  12. I honestly don't think I can remember I time when our secondary has been deeper, and in this modern NFL, that's become where you need it in abundance.
  13. To elaborate on what JfR is saying, I think that's why Allen and Beasley have been spending so much time working on timing routes. Beasley's bread and butter is the 8-15 yard routes that are the big weakness of the Cover 2. With Shady and Gore in the backfield vs a 7 man front, and if Beasley can reliably tear apart zone coverage for chunk plays, teams will be forced to abandon Cover 2 pretty fast.
  14. I am glad to hear about that last one. Beasley could be the safety valve that keeps the offense running.
  15. I'm happy to hear good things about John Brown. We need a #1, and we need it bad!
  16. Worth mentioning in regards to the endless pessimism brigade
  17. I'm going to concur with the "We should be so lucky" It was clear in the playoffs that Brady had lost some of his mojo, especially in the Rams game. He looked very mortal. That said, I've been predicting his backslide for close on 8 years now, and it keeps not happening. Even if Brady's play is half of what it was in 2017, he still might make a case for best QB in the division just because everyone else is so raw. (2018 draft picks all). Until I see otherwise, I consider the Pats the team to beat in the division. But man oh man, would it be sweet to watch Brady get pummeled into retirement this year. Hey, I can dream, can't I?
  18. Yeah, this is ridiculous. First of all, we need outside WRs. Now, we might have Brown, and Beasley, but the modern NFL looks for a plethora of receivers. Getting rid of a good one is ridiculous.
  19. I'm with you on this. I'll be honest: it's fun watching him play in the local Philly games I can watch. When he was clicking in 2017, and even in 2016 he was exciting to watch, and he could do some unbelievable things with the ball. That said, he has had season ending injuries in the playoffs in back to back years, and has never taken a postseason snap. Things clearly weren't clicking as well in 2018 as they were in 2017. I would pony up the cash if we had him, but they had two more years to hold onto him. I honestly didn't see the issue with seeing how he did this year before throwing cash at him. The Eagles are looking to win *now*
  20. Rob Quinn is better than half the local writers and almost all of the national. Just my two cents
  21. I do agree with that base, but also with the flexibility that bandit is mentioning. I haven't forgotten some of the formations that Roman had dreamed up. With a young QB, and two possible Hall of Fame running backs, and no dominant receiving targets it makes a lot of sense to have the run open up the pass. With Nseshke as a swing tackle, you can throw him out on some unbalanced lines and create some mismatches that Shady will be salivating over.
  22. I dont know if I am going to just trust the numbers, but I'll say there are two really nice things we haven't seen for a while: 1) competition will win out. There's too much talent around to have anyone (except maybe Morse) to be gifted a job. 2) Depth. How many seasons have we seen immediate drop off when someone is injured. 3) 6 O-line formations. Ok, this is a guess, but they were effective with Roman. We are still a heavy run game team, so we can bulk up, or give extra protection.
  23. This is a nice comic. Apparently Pancho commissioned a bunch of this guys work, so he knew him personally.
  24. To be fair, our 2016 draft is pretty much a nothingburger too
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