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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. …. "They're rapists" No "some are rapists". No "We need a wall to deter human trafficking" It was simply stating that the people coming from Mexico and South America are thus: "They are rapists." I was right about the apart about you rejecting objective reality.
  2. How about video? http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2015/06/16/trump_mexico_not_sending_us_their_best_criminals_drug_dealers_and_rapists_are_crossing_border.html But just to be safe, here is the full quote Now the bold emphasis is my own, but this was the man ANNOUNCING HIS CANDIDACY. And not only is he stating that crime, drugs and rape is coming from immigrants, he is also throwing in this patented "I bet Middle Easterners are in there too!" although he admits he has zero evidence. I don't know why I bother. You are going to reject objective reality like you always do.
  3. ...and you think that what she's done since winning has, in any way...decreased her chances for reelection? It's been 26 years since the district voted Republican. I am going to take a wild guess that you haven't been to Astoria lately. I've been there, and people there have set up ICE warnings through social media. There's a reason why it kicked out an establishment Centrist. It's young, urban, and diverse, pretty much the anti-current Republican party (old, bum***** nowhere, old white men who like to yell at people of color on TV). I mean, miracles happen. But man... You talk about Trump living in liberal's heads rent free? ACO is your version of that.
  4. Dude. Her district in the Bronx and includes Astoria in Queens. Until she won her primary, it's hard to imagine a more hardline working class Democratic district. She is going nowhere for the next couple of years, unless she decides to try for Senate.
  5. You might not like her politics, or think she's naïve, but man, she has a sense of humor. I will also second the "I would rather see her dancing than Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi"
  6. Well, it's a shame because I love puns. But man, there is zero way that made any sense in Vietnamese, and was purely done for the wordplay. At least it's better than Miso Hani.
  7. To be fair, Trumps has done more than enough on his own to destroy his presidency. The sum total of scandals and corruption just so far should have been the death knell for anyone else. Here's the thing though. Though we might disagree on how to proceed, I don't think that anybody believes that there aren't necessary changes to the immigration system. Hell, even I, dubbed "NPC" by certain dubious minds, acknowledge that there has to be updates and changes to our border security. We need changes, and if we need to take some ideas from both sides of the aisle to get it done, I am ok with that. The problem is that the sticking point is on something that solves none of these problems. The Wall is a stupid, costly object that doesn't solve the problem it's supposed to solve. If you wanted to say, invest $ 5 billion into increased funding for intelligence services, homeland security, DEA and port authority, I would rubber stamp that. But it doesn't solve the problems that are already woven into our economy and communities. And sadly, Trump already walked away from a deal for FULL wall funding that also fixed the latter.
  8. Well hell. The FA and draft market for WR looks pretty wretched.
  9. Yeah. "Oh what, you want to bring up the multiple Pulitzer prize winning news sources independent fact checkers? Everyone knows that facts have a known anti-Trump bias!!!" I don't think that I have seen anyone, ANYONE criticizing Trump against being against human trafficking. It's just that a lot of people think that his ideas as to how to stop them are hideously ineffective stunts that serve only to stoke his fanbase. It's absolutely reasonable to be against something, and criticize how the people in charge are trying to address it. It's like being against communism and going, "Hey, maybe this Joe McCarthy is getting a bit out of hand" or being against heroin and going "maybe locking up potheads isn't helping".
  10. Well, we've seen a sharp mental decline in DJT starting when he wanted to be involved with politics, but that might just be him.
  11. Fair enough, but when do we start giving them money for treating PTSD or school shooting survivors? https://www.complex.com/life/2016/11/veterans-day-millennials-video-games-ptsd Seriously, take a read. For vets, video games are excellent therapeutic tools. They have become so immersive and realistic that developers spend incredible amounts of time trying to make their games look and sound like the real thing, and they can be used in therapy. For people trying to process traumatic events, this gives them a bit of the same mentality that they have adopted, but they can turn it off with games of less realism. If you want to open this up, how about you actually concede the benefits. Now, if this is turning into "THEM THERE KIDS WITH THEIR FORTNITE AND THEIR NEW SPEAK AND I DON'T LIKE IT" this is for you
  12. I also don't rattle off nonsensical drivel, but hey, you do you.
  13. then he would be quite honest in referring to himself as a "dipschiff". Also a dipshit
  14. Ehh, I'm pretty sure that it's more of "Let me play president Vladdy. I'll wear the gimp mask if you give me that golden shower"
  15. Can you link? Last I saw it was 50 50 with pence casting the tie vote to proceed
  16. I added to it a bit more. His answer was that...it was now Schumer's fault? I mean, that was serious? lol
  17. Wait, that was your answer? I legit thought you were shitposting. Wait, you really think that because Trump-tard says it's Schumer's fault now, it's his? That "I'll be proud to shut down the government" is no longer lil Baby Donny's fault because decided to pull a bait and switch at the last moment and now gets to pout. AHAHAHAHAHA...my god, you were serious
  18. I'm sure all those people here who were up in arms about being "forced" to buy health insurance will be along at any moment to decry this. Any...moment...now
  19. Lol. I would be shocked if 1% of people who think that the wall is a terrible idea lived in gated communities. Mostly because it's a special kind of stupid to believe that dreck.
  20. There is a real question if he can even get 50 votes, period.
  21. That's true...I mean, Jesus, can you imagine the pork barrel spending that you would see if they start to build the wall? If you think that Democrats are corrupt politicians, turning over government contracts for reelection money, can you imagine what a cluster***** like the wall would be like?
  22. At this point, I'm hearing that it seems unlikely that McConnell is able to get 50 votes to even advance the issue. Senators, both Democrats and Republicans, were told that they could go home if they passed a clean Continuing Resolution. There's legit chance that the Senate would be unable to make quorum. And that's not even counting the fact that a number of Republican senators (especially departing ones) have said "not my problem" you...are aware that the US State department is controlled by the Republican party, correct?
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