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  1. no, fredonia
  2. yo, dat is reediculou son, I be doin my thang dis week when diego comes to town, yeah booiii. Im sayin, bet dat on yer life kid, dis is our week to shine. LT be lookin real good and doin his thang, but look for ya boy to go beast mode all day. Im out holla atcha boi. Friends dont let friends drink and drive.
  3. wait nope nope, not him not just yet, radio station just said Ron Edwards
  4. Your easy bake pizza still sucks too tony War the bills drinking TG's Blood and eating his babies mike tyson mike tyson style
  5. One more reason I want the bills to win this year, to spite that prick, stay there I cant wiat til we smash on them later this year. WAR the bills making him look dumb as sh-- at the end of the year, good luck in KC tony
  6. Playing for a team that has used 3 QBS this year and has Looked nothing short of horrible in all but one game this year, TG has performed. With 21 cathes that would make him the leading reciever on the Bills if this trade were to happen. Given the fact we have a QB in Trent that utilizes his options to dump the ball off for short 5-10 yard gains I think that this would completely change the complex of our offense. Roayl has shown Glimpses of being a more then capable target most noteably During the Seattle game and In Toronto during the preseason but other then these two occasions he has been unreliable. James Hardy was drafted to fill a void that buffalo has had for years which is a large target in the red zone. It seems however that Mr. Hardy has a little more of a learning curve and may take some time to mature into his role on this team. TG will bring instant stability to an area where there has been very little, and as noted earlier on TBD his salary should not be an obstacle at all as he is scheduled to make 4.1 million for the rest of this season and next. Russ Brandon will make this trade, we are using TE"S as fullbacks when we are allready shorthanded at TE to begin with we can not afford to let this opportunity to pass us by. Do the right thing Russ.
  7. just sto[, quit being such a fag
  8. Erik Flowers???? If trent does not make it back for the San Diego game I will beat my dog and put him in the dryer
  9. Go to WGR 550. com and listen to the audio clips oif the Lee Evans show from last night, and tell me you still dont agree with me jay z and lee evans are first cousins, little known fact
  10. actually I am balck dude just sounds like hova compare the two and let me know what you think
  11. Look everybody just needs to take some alone time with the AFC standing, look at them, laugh out loud, smile, kiss them, hug them, and make love to them, they are nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I cannot listen to Lee Evans without comparing the sound of his voice to jay z How far off am I???
  13. I scalped for the first time at the season opener and was actually surprised at how easy it was. I am not at all stereotyping but 9 out of the ten scalpers I met that fine sunday morning were all near homeless middle agedafrican american men. My question was and still is where and why do they have all those tickets. The guy I eventually bouhgt my tickets from was so high on crack it was fun to just push him around, this guy actually believed that I would walk a mile to a gas station with him. I poked him in the chest after he got loud with me when i refused and said look buddy you are going to bring me tickets back right here or your not making any money off of me and he siad okay Ill make like pizza hut, and he wa out and back in ten minutes with the seats I asked for. Other guys are fake I actually had tickets for that game when I arrived I just wanted to trade off because I have sat in those same seats way too many times and itwas time for a change. I saw this one guy pull out his tickets not knowing I allready had some and when I saw his I was like "wtf are those" and he quickly walked away and wouldnt even look back when me and my friends started ripping on him. These guys are low lifes and you do have to watch them just have somebody with you or check out somebody elses tickets so you know what they look like that day.
  14. silvernblack? Okay my guess is that this person is around the age of 17, really hates his life, parents, neighborhood, and knows very little about football. This kid actually might live down the street from me, hes that little long haired mullet touting !@#$ who swears to god hes the sh-- because he smokes cigarettes that he steals from his overweight but still skanky mother. We all know this kid, the same kid that takes vocational classes in high school because he fits in better with all of the other losers that go there, you know like maybe his future wife who is there taking cosmotology classes because she subconsciously knows that shes a dumbass whos doomed and will most likely end up pregnant long before college is even an option for her. Mr. Silvernblack acts tough but we know better, we all know that this is the same kid that we gang up on and harrass during gym class, the same kid that we make fun of him for smelling like sh--. This dude is destined for the practice squad of the job market, if that. He may hold a job such as a unskilled carpenter, porta potty plumber, gas pump jockey, CARNIVAL WORKER, or some other low end paying job that nobody else wants to do.Yes, we know, we know, your tough, your a bad ass, a real cool guy. Good luck this sunday and in life, dudes like you cant get enough luck.
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