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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Prediction: Screen game explosion neutralizes strong pass rush by Cameron Wake
  2. To be fair, their O line is completely revamped. I'm still expecting us to come out on top.
  3. It seems way better since yesterday morning, what happened? Did Pegula throw some money at it?
  4. I understand your point, but Tannehill's record over the past two years against Buffalo is much more relevant than Buffalo's contests in Chicago, the last two of which happened in 2006 and 1997.
  5. Really? How about the extremely restrictive lease that Ralph signed?
  6. I'm also interested in this, my flight doesn't get in til 11:20, and I will be renting a car and driving from the airport. I'm thinking of the same route and wondering what the quickest way to park (I'm willing to walk a ways to the stadium if it's more likely to get me into the stadium earlier.)
  7. I think it had more to due with the NFL finance committee meeting next week and all of the owners meeting next month.
  8. I think the weather / conditioning had a lot to do with the result of this game. I read that it was 95 degrees and humid, this might help explain why the Dolphins (who have been practicing in Florida for 5 weeks) outscored the Patriots 23-0 in the second half. Also, don't forget about the 7 points they scored immediately following a blocked punt in the first 5 minutes of the game, and you're talking about a completely different game. Throw in favorable weather conditions, a completely insane crowd, and I think our lines (O and D) win battles all day. Bills 33 - Dolphins 10
  9. What I had read was that 6 games was the standard for a conviction, but the league / commissioner still has discretion to increase / reduce based on circumstances. Like with just about everything else, they're leaving a huge loophole.
  10. Agreed, but the CBA gives pretty much complete power to the Commissioner when to comes to the personal conduct policy, this give them a way out of fighting something that looks this bad.
  11. I think most people understand at this point that it's not about punishing him, it's about protecting the league's image. That's the reality of it. His punishment is a byproduct of what the league needed to do to protect its image.
  12. He made almost 20 million dollars in the last two years. Hopefully they have been relatively smart with it.
  13. Flying in just for the game, flight gets in at 11:21, flight out leaves at 7:26. Working 3 more days this week is going to be just about impossible.
  14. 1. The original suspension was supposedly based on a version of events as told by Ray and Janay, which apparently was not true based on what was shown in the tape. (They said it could barely be called a punch, and also that she was attacking him and he defended himself.) 2. I was wondering if the NFLPA would fight it, but honestly I don't think they are willing to deal with the negative publicity that would come from doing so, especially given how many players have spoken out in support of the increased suspension.
  15. Should be an option for show me the baby. 9-7 or better this year and all three should stay IMO. Anything less, and I'd expect St. Doug to be street Doug. Russ probably stays (in Marketing only) and I think Doug Whaley probably has shown enough to stick around, but it will at least partially depend on how the season goes.
  16. I'M IN. If anyone has any advice on what route to take / where to park (coming from the airport this late) I'm all ears. Thanks!
  17. Do you still have that Foreigner belt? I bet that would make a good size laser hole in Bon Jovi.
  18. I'm pretty sure they never actually collected anything.
  19. Yeah, I'm not willing to gamble on the tickets if I'm flying in.
  20. Not yet, will probably get it on Stubhub. As far as kickoff, it would be close. In my experience the flights from Newark to Buffalo usually get in a few minutes early, won't have any luggage, will have express check out with the car rental agency, and will park maybe 15-20 mins out walking to further avoid traffic. Will probably sleep on it tonight and make a decision in the morning.
  21. Thanks guys. I'm thinking about a car rental instead, seems I'll have a little more control that way, even if it takes a little extra time.
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