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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. After 2 weeks, the schedule for the rest of the year is looking more favorable than it seemed 2 weeks ago. Green Bay at home could be a winnable game (after watching them almost lose to the Jets at home.) Kansas City is banged up and hopefully we can handle them at home. To me the only game that seems to be marked down as a "definite" loss is @ Denver. @Chicago Miami San Diego @Houston @Detroit New England Minnesota @Jets Kansas City @Miami Jets Cleveland @Denver Green Bay @Oakland @New England
  2. A Minnesota message board (similar to TBD) has shut down over this. http://vikingsmessageboard.com/
  3. I forgot that San Diego is actually German for whale's vagina.
  4. It will most likely be reduced because currently it is undefined. CBA or not, most arbitrators won't let that stand.
  5. I imagine the suspension will be better defined / reduced, if that's what you mean by "win". My point was, the CBA currently allows the commissioner very broad powers in suspending players for conduct detrimental to the league. I'm not arguing that he should or should not have those powers. http://www.forbes.com/sites/darrenheitner/2014/09/11/ray-rice-discipline-brings-to-light-poorly-drafted-nfl-collective-bargaining-agreement/ Yes, a man could make a good living betting in that manner...
  6. I believe the new policy specifically allows for the legal process to play out before any suspension is given.
  7. Ray Rice wasn't found guilty, it was the video that did him in. In the end, the decision that is made by the NFL will be a PR / Marketing decision. The one thing that is different about this case is that there is a sizable percentage of people in this country that think AP was doing the right thing. It will be very interesting to see how this plays out.
  8. Is this an "if a tree falls in the woods and no one's there to hear it" thing?
  9. It was loud while we were on D. It seemed to me that overall there was a bit more goodwill and less negative energy. I didn't see one fight.
  10. Sorry for the confusion. You will never hear the end of it from me. I was confirming that. Paligula. Hilarious.
  11. He hasn't played much at all, started this week and 1 start last year. He played decent at home this week (there was a sack he allowed that was called back for defensive holding, but it was not a coverage sack.)
  12. If we do make the playoffs, I will fly back for the full weekend and will be at the TBD tailgate. It's called margin of error dude.
  13. Obviously our entire D-line had a great game yesterday, with crowd noise playing a huge role. For the 2nd game in a row, San Diego is going to be starting backup center Rich Ohrnberger. This guy has bounced around the league since 2009. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kL4cEH2JdQQ&feature=youtu.be&t=25s I expect the crowd to again play a big factor, and I expect the D-line to have another huge day.
  14. It was good to meet you yesterday Cletus, and awesome that you got to be there with your dad. Playoffs sound pretty sweet.
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