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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. What symptoms would be associated with Buffalo Barbarian syndrome?
  2. I'm totally ok with giving him a mulligan based on his consistent play over time, but there is no qb who likes the snap in the dirt and 3 yards to the right.
  3. Maybe Wood can take some of that fire and put it into his shotgun snap practice.
  4. I've heard of him takes on an entirely different meaning.
  5. I'm ok with Brown getting a shot over Spiller, if only due to Spiller's dreadful pass protection efforts. But I seriously doubt it is going to happen, unless he completely craps the bed again this week.
  6. Supposedly the story with Prater is he is allowed to drink zero alcohol due to a prior DUI. He got tested following vacation and admitted he had a beer while on vacation. His suspension is over, and if he gets caught again, you move on to the next best guy (same as you would now if you decide he's not worth the "risk".)
  7. Well, then he should learn to cover kicks and punts, cause that's what we need out of our third RB.
  8. Can anyone remember the last time the Bills (or any team) won all of the games they were "supposed to"? To have a realistic shot at the division, we probably need 5 of these, maybe 6, seeing as how brutal our last 6 games are. And I see the NE and KC games as toss ups rather than "should wins." Still, 3-2 is a good place to be, and our schedule coming up is favorable. Let's hope these trends continue.
  9. Right, and if the Lions had a healthy Calvin Johnson maybe they score touchdowns instead of field goals. My point is, we were lucky to get the win. I'm glad we got the win, and I hope we continue to do well, but I didn't see a big difference between Orton's inaccurate passes and EJ's inaccurate passes, except that SW and FJ seemed to find a way to hang on to them yesterday and make something happen. I'm glad we won. I'm ok with the decision to put Orton in and I think he probably gives us the best shot to make the playoffs for the rest of the year. In order for that to happen, the entire offense will still need to play a lot better than we managed yesterday, even if our defense continues to dominate.
  10. Sure, as long as the opposing kicker missed 3 field goals
  11. You just caused a robot's head to smoke and explode. I hope you're happy with yourself.
  12. Everyone should do everything everyone on the internet says. ALL OF THE TIME EVERY TIME.
  13. That explains it for me it's been more than 10 years since i've had one.
  14. yeah, it's been said but blacked out games are not shown on Sunday Ticket so there shouldn't be an impact either way.
  15. The OL has been terrible over the past 2 games. Like bottom 5 terrible. They will either need to play much better, or we are going to need to compensate with better designed quick throws and escape options.
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