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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. maybe move schwartz (or thurman) to asst. head coach?
  2. Let Rex be the HC, let Schwartz run the defense with input from Rex and Thurman. There may be some differences of opinion during the season, but winning cures all, and these guys can all help us win.
  3. Right, I'm sure he and Rex probably need to sit down and talk. All it means is that there is some hope within the organization that we can get both to stay.
  4. If you draft that many QBs, how do you get them enough snaps to adequately develop any one of them?
  5. Speaking of Jets fan reaction, can we put out the Bat signal for Jimmy Spags? I'd like to get his take on all of this.
  6. We had similar issues at work this week. Our DoS protection didn't kick in since it's all coming from different IPs. We ended up increasing the number of max connections and decreasing timeout values on our web servers so that each connection would not last as long. We had a few hours where we were seeing a ton of connections, but after that it's been slower (but still coming in.) Someone in our security team did some research and found others reporting similar issues, it looks like there are a few ISPs overseas who have some misconfigurations and are directing this BitTorrent traffic to incorrect IPs. Good luck Edit: We do business in China, so it wasn't feasible to block a broad section of Chinese IPs, I'm not sure if that would be an option for you. Found some more on it here: http://serverfault.com/questions/658433/mysterious-misdirected-traffic-how-can-i-find-out-what-dns-server-an-http-requ
  7. Looks like Sabrespace is still down (I'm getting an Apache Test page) is that still expected?
  8. So the Buffalo media is the actual problem? Glad you cleared that up. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/170230-the-bills-are-not-your-problem/
  9. Any coach who let the media run him out of town (your representation, not mine) should be boiled in his own pudding.
  10. This reminds me of the storyline on the Sopranos where Tony consults with every decent divorce lawyer in the city to ensure Carmella can't use them. I wish interviewing coaching candidates worked that way.
  11. Will be tough since it's a lateral move. Even if you give him the Asst. Head Coach title, SD would not have to let him out of his contract.
  12. Yes, we could, although it would be a dick move. The only interviews we would have to grant would be for HC spots. http://www.csnwashington.com/redskinsblog/what-are-rules-nfl-teams-granting-permission-interview-assistants
  13. If I'm Schwartz, I don't want to go anywhere else to be a DC unless there is a strong dislike of the incoming HC. He's got the players here to get him more HC interviews (eventually if not this year.)
  14. Why does this impact your opinion of TG more than your opinion of BP? Bill Polian has a reputation as ill tempered, and sometimes making bad decisions in the heat of the moment.
  15. If you're going to attach Graham for making mistakes in his article you're opening yourself to similar criticism. 1. Buddy Ryan is not mentioned in the article. Rex Ryan is. 2. Do you have a link that specifies it has to be an African American as opposed to a minority? Everything I'm finding specifies a minority. http://www.acslaw.org/sites/default/files/Proxmire_Issue_Brief.pdf
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