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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Wait, so he told you to click the delete button, and it deleted your thread? What happens if you click it in this thread?
  2. I can't answer all of your questions, but my understanding of the loophole you mentioned was that teams were guaranteeing large portions of the salary (which is also capped) so in essence it becomes a signing bonus. It's not really that big of a deal in this case because he's definitely going to make whatever team he signs with, it's more important with the usual undrafted free agent who might not make the roster.
  3. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/05/06/statement-from-patriots-owner-robert-kraft-on-deflation-investigation-findings/ what a !@#$ing phony
  4. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/178191-predict-the-penalty/
  5. If that were the case I doubt they go through the management reorg they went through this past year.
  6. I was working as a waiter in my early twenties while trying to land a better job, and got called to come in on my day off. The manager told me there was a complaint about me, but wouldn't share any other info about it and told me I was suspended for the week. I used the week to kick my job search into over drive and found something much much better. I kept things cordial with the old restaurant, because I didn't know how things would work out, but here I am still working at the new company 10 years later.
  7. I think the league has put itself in a tough position, by giving him a severe punishment, they're basically admitting the super bowl champs are flawed.
  8. What's the highest fine allowed by the CBA? My gut feeling is that what he will get, but I'm hoping for a 2 game suspension.
  9. The PFT article doesn't even say he can't visit a team, so not sure if there's really much of a restriction.
  10. I hope you've got a good lawyer. Blocking for LeSean McCoy might help.
  11. From what I've read, after they denied his request to be put in the supplemental draft, he said he'd rather wait until next year than play this year if he was drafted after round 3, since he would be taking a big financial hit. From what I've read, he stands to do better financially (long term) as an UDFA than if he were a 4th round pick (assuming he plays well and there is interest in signing him after his 3rd year) and he also gets to choose where he plays. Not sure it was bad advice.
  12. I don't think the don't draft me stuff came out until after they denied his request to be put in the supplemental draft, or am I off on the timeline?
  13. Our pension is tiny, but our 401k matching is pretty good (they match 6%.) I've been contributing the max pretty much since I was hired in 2008, and I'm hoping to have enough saved in the next 5-10 years to be a stay at home dad for a while before my kids leave for college. My wife will keep working, but she enjoys it.
  14. really? seems a little early to call it to me.
  15. Wasn't Marrone pissed at him for ruining practice last year too? Cut him! <Sarcasm Font>
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