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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. http://deadspin.com/the-broncos-have-a-fart-tax-and-von-miller-frequently-1709076816
  2. My last name does begin with a K, tho' it's not Kidsmeller. The rest of it rhymes with (when pronounced incorrectly as it usually is) "punts".
  3. Hey Spags, good to see you back. I'm trying to convince my wife to name my second son "Kyle" after Kyle Williams. Do you have any advice on how to get her to see what a great name it is?
  4. No tricks or treachery. I want to stay happily married. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. She has to like the name, since she's going to be calling him by it for the next 60 years.
  5. In the end she certainly has more voice in the decision than me (I would expect the same if I carried the fetus) but we both have veto power. We disagreed over names for years until we were actually pregnant with our first at which point it just kind of came to us.
  6. 1. I have been leaning towards letting her use her last name for this one anyway (don't tell her that.) My last name kind of sucks, and my firstborn already has to deal with it. 2. I don't care that she didn't take my name. The only real reason I have for wanting #2 to have my name is to not have to answer a bunch of stupid questions from people who can't comprehend why two brothers might have two different names.
  7. I may be able to get her to go along with it if he gets her last name. I'm considering it. No thanks to you clowns.
  8. I feel like you guys aren't trying very hard. If someone in this thread can really convince my wife, they will get two tickets to the game of their choice this year. (Tickets will be cheap seats, but beggars can't be choosers, except hopefully when it comes to naming my son.)
  9. <script language='javascript'> </script> If charges are false then he should have no problem getting another contract.
  10. My wife and I are expecting our second son in October, and I would very much like to name him Kyle Williams, after our fearless Meatball. My wife hates the name Kyle, and I'm looking at a long uphill battle. Help me convince her TBD.
  11. Was domestic violence specifically banned by the NFL? This is personal conduct policy stuff, which is not the same as substance abuse policy. Get arrested, face a possible suspension.
  12. You would think if these guys are actually fired they'd be pretty quick to open up about what really happened, unless there's an awful lot of hush money coming their way from somewhere.
  13. Yup, he would be the kinds guy to curse his own team. MFer.
  14. He was probably looking for Master Blaster.
  15. Did Tasker's Ghost come back to take his medicine yet? Or did he take it all at once yesterday, maybe that was the trouble?
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