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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Defense was not bad, but it was kind of hard to notice with Offense's historically bad output.
  2. I disagree, teams are still playing plenty for worthwhile veterans, the evidence - teams are not spending less than they used to, they're just not paying it to unproven 1st round picks.
  3. doesn't this article all but guarantee he's on IR by week 4? I hope he proves everyone wrong, and I don't fault him for the injuries, he seems like a hard worker with a lot of talent and that's all he can control.
  4. Don't quote the Ravens We'll come back from Bodymore Division Leaders
  5. Still looking to buy the streaming portion of someone's Sunday Ticket max
  6. Between this and the Wood reworking it seems we are freeing up space for something
  7. I understand what you're saying. What I'm saying is that 90% of the time I've heard it happen, I also would have hung up and I'm thankful to have not had to listen to the caller anymore. It also happened to me once long ago with Art Wanderer on Empire network, so I do understand how frustrating it is to wait online only to be treated poorly. (I made the point that steroids should not be penalized in professional sports during the Barry Bonds era and was yelled at and hung up on.) But as a listener today I sometimes appreciate not having to listen to someone who says something I think is completely off / ridiculous.
  8. I do hear him do it occasionally, most of the time I'm glad he did.
  9. What are you talking about, they figure it out each and every week.
  10. Do you really think international soccer is more popular in WNY than football or hockey?
  11. Rob Johnson would've been mangled in the next game and no way is Flutie winning a Super Bowl.
  12. So by your definition the Bills haven't had a meaningful game since about 1995.
  13. 4x as many people will watch football, and the radio coverage also bears this out. This is their weekday schedule (except Mondays, where the hockey is replaced with more football.) 6-10 Howard and Jeremy - 90% football (maybe 80% once hockey starts?) 10-12 Hockey Hotline - 100% hockey 12-3 John Murphy - 100% football 3-7 Schop and Bulldog - 70% football, 20% bull ****, 10% other sports including hockey I think there's a show at 7 now but I haven't heard it. That's 13 hours of original programming, with the vast majority focused on football, and 8 hours a week of hockey.
  14. Yeah, but Buffalo is not New Orleans. There is a big chunk of the population that cares about hockey here, and training camp starts next week.
  15. Not really, most of the discussion during that time is usually football, even if you don't enjoy it.
  16. Taking 2 whole hours off from Football talk in a day
  17. If stupidity were really lethal you'd have left here a longtime ago. Good luck to your sister in her recovery.
  18. The way I read it was that he was suggesting the drugs were actually masking the disease, so he maybe didn't realize he had it until he stopped smoking.
  19. State and Federal law are completely irrelevant, the NFL can set it's own drug policy like all other private corporations.
  20. he's also pretty lousy when it comes to the second rule of fight club.
  21. I find it completely mind boggling how this team of all teams has so many fans completely lacking in empathy.
  22. I'm not saying the league can't suspend him for it, but you and I have different definitions of what might be credible. You don't believe there's a possibility he was taking it as part of treatment because it doesn't cure his disease? Painkillers never cure a disease, it doesn't mean they're not used as part of treatment. It's obvious that you disagree with the decision he made (so do I for the record.) Doesn't mean you or I know why he made that decision.
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