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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Denver would not surprise me, it's been obvious that Elway sees something in him and they don't have a ton of money tied up right now.
  2. They scored more points than most of the league. Whether they scored them in the first or second half I don't really care.
  3. Whatever Whaley does with Taylor (and most likely at QB in general) is most likely going to be with the Pegula's blessing.
  4. Number 7 ranked Offense before that final pitiful game with EJ and Cardale playing.
  5. He's a HC that just won a playoff game. He's not taking an OC position.
  6. It's not about people I've heard of, it's about getting someone who is not a first time O-Coordinator in the NFL. I mentioned in my post that with a rookie head coach it seems like it would be better to have non-rookie coordinators, especially on offense where he may be on a bit of an island. There aren't many of those guys (who have had any measure of success) available.
  7. I don't think there are a lot of options of experienced OCs who have been successful in the league, that's what I was saying. A first time OC or someone who doesn't have a lot of experience might struggle learning on the job, especially with a defensive minded HC who is also doing the job for the first time. I like the idea of AVP if he's available, he's done the job (if not very recently) and has had multiple roles in GB.
  8. Here's what you do: razor https://www.amazon.com/Merkur-Long-Handled-Safety-Razor/dp/B000NL0T1G/ blades https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000W4BNBE/ soap https://www.amazon.com/Arko-Shaving-Stick-White-Count/dp/B000VAWZ2U this amount of blades and soap will probably last 3-4 years at least. I usually don't bother with a brush, but I get away with it because most of my face is bearded, so I just use the beard and my fingers with the soap stick to build a lather in the shower. A decent brush can be had for 50$ and will last a lifetime.
  9. I agree, but I think it has as much or more to do with retaining Tyrod than the OC.
  10. Is his contract up this year? GB has a history of not letting coaches interview when they're under contract (including with AVP I believe.)
  11. How frequently do top 5 coordinators become available as coordinators? Teams tend to hold onto those guys, and if they are doing well, they tend to want to stick with it until a HC job opens up. We went out and spent $ on Greg Roman a couple of years ago, who had been pretty well respected around the league. I think Leslie Frazier is promising on D. Unfortunately it seems like pretty slim pickings on the Offensive side (McCoy was the only name I would have been excited by, and it seems he really wanted to be back in Denver.)
  12. how did that turn out. With a rookie HC who's primary focus has been defense, I'd really like to see an expierenced OC come in, unfortunately it doesn't seem like there's a lot of options still open.
  13. They're making an assumption based on him not playing in the last game. It's not a terrible assumption, but I don't think it qualifies as big news.
  14. Having a Bills Cutler numbered jersey with DONTCARE where the name should be would be pretty sweet
  15. https://soundcloud.com/joeostrowski/the-greatest-jay-cutler-story DOOOONNNNT CAAAARRRRRE
  16. If I was Lynn or anyone else, I wouldn't take the job without Tyrod Taylor (or some other real plan for at least a mid level starting qb.)
  17. Well do you want him to retire a Bill or do you want him to get into the playoffs?
  18. I don't think I actually proposed renegotiating, but I also don't think it's completely out of the question, unless he feels he can get that much or more from another team.
  19. They were run out of town because they didn't win enough football games. Personality is just the costume on the donkey.
  20. Jeez, how many days are you celebrating Christmas.
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