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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. I get what you're saying but the teams don't guarantee the contracts, so why should the players be held to them?
  2. I voted yes overall, but I would have preferred keeping Darby.
  3. This was my first game and I remember it as the loudest although I was only 8 and probably a bit in shock. This was definitely up there also.
  4. Considering I could get Brady in the 5th, I'd try for both.
  5. But the 5th year option is only 2 mil less than the top 5 salary.
  6. If someone else signs him while on the non-exclusive tag I think they give up their next 2 first round picks (over 2 years), we wouldn't get 2 in the same year (since teams generally only have 1 per year.)
  7. Yes, and from what I've heard it'd only be about 2mil$ more than what we pay for picking up his option, which is probably why they don't pick it up.
  8. I think this is the most likely scenario but I also think Cardale is going to have to earn it over Yates. Cardale was Whaley's pick and I don't think they're going to keep him around for another year strictly based on potential.
  9. I'm very sorry to hear this, we'll all be praying for your family.
  10. I wouldn't say they're meaningless, although they're certainly not useful in comparing players of different eras.
  11. If you are talking about not having alcohol (or whatever substance) in your system sure. But the definition of "sober" that I think would be required to lead, or even be on an NFL team (for an addict / alcoholic anyway) is not the same as going without alcohol for a few hours / days.
  12. I'm not here to pick on the guy, and I've been in a similar situation. IMO someone who goes out of his way to explain that he didn't need professional assistance probably isn't really ready to turn it around. But I hope I'm wrong.
  13. Right, and his chances of staying sober aren't great, especially without professional assistance.
  14. But who are we going to trade for / sign who is a better option than Tyrod?
  15. I don't think anyone is saying we can't get better at QB, just that until we have a better option, Tyrod should be on this team.
  16. and 1st ranked run game = 7th ranked offense, which I'd say should be a winning strategy, unless your defense stinks.
  17. He did, he was also thrown in as a last minute replacement and way over his head (and I also don't think he had a lot of talent helping him out.) One would think that 10 years learning as a coach in GB has helped him get ready for an opportunity like this. HOF
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