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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Yeah. As I've gotten older it's gotten harder for me to overlook the physical price these guys pay, and also my time has become more precious, I'd rather spend Sunday with my wife and kids(most of the time) and if they don't want to watch the game I'm not going to push it. Also, politically I'm on the left and the owners and some fans' response to the anthem protest can piss me off enough to not want to be associated with them. With all that said, I'm here on a Friday night in August.
  2. I have a relative who started having "episodes" after years of being prescribed the max legal limit of opioids that seem very similar to the kind of behavior being attributed to Richie in the last few months. I hope he can accept some help for whatever is going on.
  3. Yeah, I know people are down on the Browns watching Hard Knocks, but I think they get it done this year. I think we're due for some regression.
  4. If it's that obvious then everyone who said he needed significant coaching was probably way off. From everything I've read so far I don't think they were.
  5. I'd be shocked if he starts game 1 of regular season (barring injuries to other 2 guys.) He needs some time, he was thought of as a guys with huge potential, but also a guy who needed some coaching, you don't throw a guy like that in on day 1.
  6. I came to reminisce about EJ Manuel, ended up reading up on Kevin Kolb's Boating While Intoxicated charge.
  7. The guys who are worrying about earning the stripe don't make millions a year.
  8. Coleman was not shown in a positive light, which I guess is to be expected and explains why we basically got him for nothing. What a kick in the teeth for the Browns to have Callaway busted and finding out after the trade.
  9. I didn't watch the game, but here's the closest to trade bait I imagine Peterman being:
  10. I don't think I've ever left nothing, probably haven't left less than 15% since I was a dumb kid. I worked as a waiter in my early 20s and it made an impression on me how somebody tipping well could make a lousy day better, beyond just the $ - just the idea that there are good people out there (which was necessary when dealing with so many !@#$s as will happen in a service job.) 20% for me is usual minimum, I usually am eating with kids who can make a mess and be a bit loud, when I'm with them it's usually 30%. If it's a cheap meal it's also usually a higher percentage (if it's a 10$ lunch I'll leave 5$.)
  11. It's not about cheating on his wife, it's about sleeping around within the company and lying to the owners about it.
  12. It had nothing to do with his job performance, and everything to do with the results of an internal ethics investigation, in the course of which he was found to have directly lied to the owners. There aren't any lines to read between.
  13. Just wanted to chime in to say that this book helped me tremendously. I knew what I should be eating but had a hard me actually doing it. There's hypnosis involved (only works after you read the book) and of course nothing worth it is ever easy, but it worked, and it didn't feel hard. https://www.amazon.com/Easy-Weight-Allen-Carrs-Easyway/dp/1784044954/ I went from ~260 to 180 in about 5 months primarily just by changing my diet, and have gained back a bit but have been around 190 for a year and a half now. Main things I did - cutting out sugar (biggest thing) cutting way back on meat fruit and vegetables for breakfast and dinner and a regular meal for dinner
  14. I think it's a lot more believable if we still have Tyrod. We are not going into this season with AJ Mcwhatever as our only option at QB.
  15. I live in NJ close to NYC. Half (or more) of the people around here are from somewhere else, so that may explain some of the difference. I'm guessing Buffalo has a lot fewer transplants from other cities / areas. My kids (who were born here) will most likely grow up Bills fans, it's something that gets passed down.
  16. Not necessarily trash heap yet, but hopefully we are not going into next season with him as plan A (or even plan B.) . Would say the same for any other 5th round pick who played in 2 games and didn't perform well.
  17. Hey, don't laugh, this is how Cleveland got to be in such a position of power in this draft.
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