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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. I'm going on gut and picked the Bills this week. If I were playing strategically, rather than emotionally I would have gone with Cleveland.
  2. Note that if you want to use someone else's Gamepass you won't both be able to use it at the same time (meaning whomever you are "renting" from won't be able to watch those games live.) . They only allow one logged in user at a time, or at least that's how it worked a couple years ago when I had it while overseas.
  3. This was my first game attending in person. I came in a Jets fan (born in NYC) and left a Bills fan. My dad took me and my uncle, although if I remember correctly we left my uncle behind in the commotion.
  4. Counterpoint - It's very strange for a guy with this much talent (drafted as a 3rd rounder) to be bouncing from team to team so early in his career.
  5. Yeah, I haven't been happy with the odds for over on the season so I went with the opener instead (parlayed with the Browns winning their opener as well, which would probably be my pick if I were in a survival league.) 1 unit wins 2.54.
  6. get ready for Spags to break your legs if you can't make the vig
  7. Unless Buffalo becomes a destination for players, It might going to get harder to sign so many "extra" free agents in coming years, especially as we get a reputation for trading players in trading camp. Vet players would usually much rather pick their destination than sign in one place then get traded a few months later. Not saying these trades are bad, it was smart to get something for guys that were going to be cut, but it's probably not really something you can do year after year as easily.
  8. I put down a parlay on the Bills and Sabres both winning it all this year. $4 bet would pay about $24000
  9. Does anyone have an extra single ticket? I wonder if Spags is still around, might be fun to catch the game with him.
  10. I wanted to gauge if there's any interest in trying to go to the opener as a group? I live in NJ and haven't been to a game down here before, was thinking about trying to go to one of the first two, but I'd probably be more inclined to go with a group of folks who are rooting for Buffalo.
  11. So you're saying a head case doesn't play head games? What are you saying?
  12. I didn't go through the whole thread, so apologies if this was already covered, but, this is just Gruden's usual head games. It was even predicted by this year's why your team sucks last week. https://deadspin.com/why-your-team-sucks-2019-oakland-raiders-1836667319
  13. I've got a lot of problems with you and now you're gonna hear about it!
  14. Yeah, the first class seat probably cost 1500$ more or close to it, it's not really surprising. If they valued 1500$ more than the seat they would have already been in coach.
  15. Is anyone else wondering if this might be to make the Browns pay market value after it had come out that they were the only team he wanted to go to?
  16. Anyone claiming Benjamin would have to pay him at full salary, Holmes comes pretty cheap.
  17. man, dude is never going to learn maybe pryor really is in Buffalo to meet with NE
  18. Don't forget about all the times you threatened to bring your assault rifle to get revenge against a nightclub after being kicked out.
  19. So then when a muslim nutjob tried to bomb Manhattan a few years back it didn't matter that he was a Muslim?
  20. Are you forgetting about the times he's been in Buffalo and / or around family where he's majorly Fd up, or you just think this time will be different?
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