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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Yeah, it seems like the moral of the story is Don't buy tickets?
  2. For all the guys giving him grief about screenshots, I think I heard on WGR the other day that the tickets are using technology now that refreshes every 15 seconds, so a screenshot will not work.
  3. I thought it was the Bills sideline, but yeah, I thought the collision and follow through were more impressive, even though it wasn't as big a factor in the overall game. Especially 'cause the defender challenged him and it seemed like he made a point of just leveling the guy.
  4. Has anyone been able to find video of the earlier play where he steamrolled someone (was it also Williams?)
  5. I had to look up if Watkins played today or was injured. I see he had a respectable 5 catches for 64 yards and a fumble. Of all the things to complain about this week, this is puzzling.
  6. Yeah, didn't he wreck someone in the first half too?
  7. I was really looking forward to, and equally disappointed by Ad Astra. Slow, overly-reliant on narration, and in the end didn't make me feel much other than a little bored and depressed.
  8. I had it maybe five years ago and this was the case, they won't show it while another live game is happening.
  9. Especially when they're going to lose these games regardless of who is starting.
  10. I was thinking earlier today about how great it would be for this offense to have some short fields for a change. One guy I'd like to add to this team is hopefully coming soon - Andre Roberts!
  11. What kind of bounty do you think Gregg-o has on Tom Brady this week?
  12. I think it would be more important for us to shore up our O line depth, because it feels like we may be one injury (especially at C or T) away from not having a line that can give Allen the time needed to get the ball to our receivers.
  13. The only way it's realistic is if Brady gets injured. But through 2 weeks Brees and Roethlisberger are out (not to mention Luck before the season even started.) It could happen.
  14. I don't understand this, this, they've been trying to pass and just have been unsuccessful.
  15. wtf don't you call timeout there to give your d a break and see what they're gonna do?
  16. I think in certain circumstances, but the Giants HC didn't know whistle was blown, progress was dead.
  17. I understand the officials missing that horse collar but how are the announcers so clueless about why Allen's calling for a flag after watching the replay?
  18. I don't think it makes sense to compare Manning's stats to those of guys like Kelly who played in different eras, where QBs did not routinely rack up 4000 and 5000 yard seasons. Manning had amazing defenses in the years they won it all, so not sure about the supporting casts being that different. He has definitely been more durable, which is interesting, because I almost feel like people would give him more credit if he'd retired a couple years ago.
  19. Sure the arrangement was that they were NOT employees of the Bills. The Bills wanted it that way because it was economically to their advantage. It's not illegal, but IMO it's immoral.
  20. That's passing a lot of bucks. I don't remember exactly when that blew up, and don't know that the current ownership has much to apologize for there, but certainly at the time the Bills ultimately should have been responsible for making sure the women working as Jills were treated fairly (financially and otherwise.)
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