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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Is there a coupon code or something? It shows as 99$ on the NFL site.
  2. Because it can take 2 weeks for the disease to show up in a test after exposure. It sure does.
  3. Fixed your post 30 - 50% of the team seems to come down with it. Now instead of only needing to keep 30 men uninfected, think of a football team where it's probably at least 70 (including practice squad, coaches, etc...) and on top of that the sport itself can't be played without close physical contact, where they guys are going to be huffing and puffing all over each other.
  4. California (and specifically LA) opened indoor bars / restaurants and saw a huge spike pretty quickly. In any major metropolitan area I don't think there's a safe way for most indoor businesses until there's a vaccine.
  5. The "something right" they are doing is not be in the United States where the government has completely F'd up the response.
  6. Yeah, political factions, like people who don't want to risk lives for a game.
  7. ***** you for reminding me of how he finished our season anyway last year.
  8. Why not, it seems to have been the plan in our trillion dollar country?
  9. I'm pretty sure I've seen this at a Bills game before:
  10. 25% chance of one player (in a league of 1700-2000) dying? Not to mention coaches, staff, etc....
  11. Well, there are ~ 1700 players (probably more allowing for injuries, etc...) and I would guess most of them will end up getting it over the course of the season due to the nature of the game. So maybe 50% chance of a player dying from it (not to mention coaches, etc...) Let's say only half the players end up getting it, you're looking at a 25% chance of a death. That's still not something to dismiss as "media panic porn".
  12. ~1 in 1000 black men can expect to be killed by police. (It's about 1 in 2000 for white men, which is still too high IMO.) https://www.pnas.org/content/116/34/16793 ~1 in 15000 people can expect to be struck by lightning. Are some (most?) of these killings justifiable in some way? I'm sure that's the case. But the problem is that there is such a culture of cops protecting each other, and no real oversight, so we just don't know. For anyone who is really interested in finding out more about where we currently are, I highly recommend "13th" on Netflix.
  13. Ok, are the coaches, trainers, other staff and refs expendable?
  14. I'm not here enough in the offseason to remember who's who (as I imagine a lot of other folks aren't as well.) Again, if you want to keep correcting people as to your motives, go for it. Seems like there are better ways to handle it IMO. You could just add a Signature that says "Derek Chauvin is a murderer"
  15. If you don't want people to keep assuming you're a racist ####### I'd remove it. There are much better ways of forcing the conversation. Seems like you've dug in though. Good luck with that.
  16. The union's position is representative of the larger problem of Police having the ability to assault people without fear of reprisal or consequence, and they throw a tantrum like this when called out on it. If it's just a union thing, the officers in question could still come out and say that they feel for the man who was assaulted. Instead, you and I both know that they feel it was part of their assigned job, a job which they were ok with until some widely shared videos made them public villains. Good luck with that But I'm 100% on board with his statement.
  17. They resigned from the unit that handles "riot" control, so they are (or were) the primary unit responsible for that, and are no longer serving in that role. IMO it appears they feel they were hung out to dry by Police Leadership, but honestly, it really does highlight the huge problem there is in policing today, where it's assumed that it's ok in pretty much any case for them to use force to get someone to comply (and of course that they will generally protect each other over the public most of the time.) Also do you really have that scumbag as your Avatar? Why on Earth would you do that, and why is it allowed here?
  18. I have a feeling it has to do with losing against NFC opponents to improve our playoff tiebreaker position.
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