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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. updates on testing results? F5 F5 F5 (actually Command R, Command R, Command R)
  2. I've been happy to see him have a resurgence, it seems like whenever he and Chan get together they put together a run of a good season or half a season (unfortunately for them it's never coincided with having much of a defense.)
  3. that's been pretty thoroughly debunked it's a cardboard cutout of Danson, which also is seen in another scene in the movie https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/three-men-and-a-ghost/
  4. Last year for my 40th birthday my wife and I took a trip to Colorado without the kids (our first trip without them since my eldest was born.). The first night we stayed at the Stanley hotel, and heard kids playing in the hall much of the night, which is supposed to be one of the most common experiences there. Apparently when the hotel was built the top floor was the children's quarters. Rich families would stay the whole summer, they would drop their kids off with the servants at the beginning of the summer and not see them again until it was time to leave in September. My dad said the kid noise is probably piped in through speakers, and sigh, he's probably right. It was a beautiful place though and I hope to go back one day.
  5. Titans seem likely to be down some receivers also, so we'll see how it balances out. I was showing my son (who is about to turn 5 and named after Kyle Williams) some Kyle Williams highlights tonight and it got me a little excited to see Tannehill get dumped next week.
  6. Mr. WEO is now a Titans fan and will be spending a LOT of time on their message board. Also, every Titans player involved in the Music City Miracle has to take turns mowing my lawn for the next 20 years.
  7. I think one of the violations I had heard (rumored) was that they had left their tracking bracelets home during those workouts.
  8. I'm not saying it can't be overcome, but I do think we're already not as good as the Chiefs. I think we would have maybe a 30% chance of winning that game without being at this disadvantage, and now we're maybe around 15%. I don't want the Bills to use it as an excuse, but I think it's fair to point out that it sucks.
  9. My main concern is that the best team we will face all year, and who we may end up in contention with for a bye or homefield advantage, is getting extra days of prep vs us while we will be playing on short rest. That and the risk of playing against a team which still seems very likely to be in the middle of an active outbreak and whatever risks (which does seem to be low at this point given the data from around the league) come with it.
  10. My understanding is the league gets results straight from the lab.
  11. yeah but Chiefs would have also had a short week. If we do end up playing Tennessee on Tuesday I expect us to demolish them.
  12. For everyone saying a forfeit isn't fair - Does it really matter if we are gifted a win by playing a team with 30-40 players who hasn't had any practice all week (hopefully) or just gifted the win period, does it really make a difference?
  13. I think he's saying that if a team has enough injuries it would be almost the same as a forfeit. For example, if we play the Titans Monday and they're down the 10-15 players who have tested positive (and maybe even more if they suspend the players who had outside workouts) what are our chances of losing that game? Sure, anything is possible, and these are strange times, but we should win a game played under those circumstances 95 timers out of 100 or more.
  14. YES We already (hopefully) dodged a bullet against the Raiders, we should not have to play these two dumb franchises, much less back to back.
  15. This can be done, but it gives the Chiefs a multiple day preparation advantage over us in that game.
  16. I'm seeing some say players will get paid, and some saying they won't get paid if the game is a forfeit. I have an easy solution if they're not supposed to be paid - fine the Titans each an extra game check and distribute it to the Bills players. I know this isn't going to happen, but it should.
  17. This whole sketch is worth watching (NSFW due to vulgarity) but I tried to have it start at 3:39, because it's relevant.
  18. Yeah but if the outbreak gets worse over the winter (as has been predicted) it will be harder to keep teams outbreak free at that point (unless they are in a full bubble.)
  19. I'm not saying that is going to be the primary concern, but fairness also ties into optics which the league typically seems driven by. In any case, with winter and a second wave likely coming, adding extra weeks at the end of the season may not really be possible / practical.
  20. Let's say a team finishes 1st in the conference and earns the bye, and also ends up not needing any games rescheduled. Is it fair to have them wait a month (or more?) to play and get rusty?
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