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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. I did watch the game. If the one fumble had happened a second earlier (before the knee was down) we most likely take the lead in the 4th quarter. Our D line has't been good this year, and some of the losses (Star, Shaq, Jordan Phillips) have definitely hurt, but I feel like overall the Offense needed to play better last night. People are angry that the Chiefs controlled time of possession, and it's valid, but the offense HAS to pick up more first downs and 1 or 2 more long drives to help the defense out.
  2. We gave up 26 points to the Chiefs. The only team to give up fewer this year has been the Chargers (who gave up 23 and lost) - the Patriots also allowed 26 (and lost by more than we did.) Going into this game I thought our recipe for winning against the Chiefs would be holding them to under 30 and scoring more than that. Were you all really anticipating holding them to much less?
  3. also, my favorite is deep fried peanuts, still in their shells, although I almost never eat them. Second is salted pecans.
  4. Came here for this. I used to do this to make my kids laugh, and now my 5 year old will recite the whole thing.
  5. Right but the Bills are not the only team who will be interested in him. Being in division our offer will likely need to be significantly better than anyone else's and I would think he would probably fetch a 2nd from at least a handful of teams.
  6. I haven't read the whole thread, but it could be that they needed to do this to protect their existing "Bills" trademark. From stuff I've read in the past, if a company doesn't uniformly enforce existing trademarks (e.g. Bills, Buffalo Bills, etc...) then they risk losing the rights to that trademark, or risk being unable to enforce use of it going forward. They could have had their hands forced if others started printing Bills Mafia gear (which I think is already readily available on lots of different sites with different people profiting.) This wouldn't prevent them from registering the trademark and then selling the rights to Del for 1$ or working something out with him.
  7. How much will he be able to contribute with 2 days in their system?
  8. I think it depends on what he costs. It's quite possible that the biggest problem signing him solves is not having to play against him with the Patriots twice this year.
  9. It went to Naples, not Miami, and has already been there a few times in recent weeks. I think they have a place down there. Doesn't mean something couldn't be up, but it's maybe not the most likely scenario. Bell maybe is still in NY anyway, wasn't he just released a couple days ago?
  10. Most of the recent bubble talk has been with the assumptions each team would maintain their own bubble, I think.
  11. If I remember correctly NFL players have to (or used to anyway) file state taxes in every state they play a game in.
  12. I'm sorry Sal hurt your feelings. I like him tho'.
  13. I feel like this was the first game where we obviously lost the field position and turnover battles, and it cost us dearly tonight. We've been able to overcome poor field position earlier with huge chunks of offensive yardage, tonight with the long ball taken away (due to Titans schema and Brown not playing I'd guess) it made things a lot tougher. Between the turnovers, the poor field position, and the number of players who didn't suit up for us, I would have been shocked if we won. Unfortunately things snowballed and it was embarrassing. I'm expecting Monday night to be a close, exciting game either way.
  14. I ran up 50$ into about 800 so far this week, and my original goal was to let it ride on the Bills tonight, but I'm starting to feel a little uneasy. Where is everyone else at today?
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