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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Ok, with all of the past discussion about win% against playoff teams, I think it's worth a fresh look at this season now that we're more than halfway through, looking at the teams we've played and their chances to make the playoffs (according to ESPN this morning.) W Jets - I'm not gonna look it up, for teams who are out of it let's say 0% W Dolphins - 50% chance to make the playoffs, right now they would be the last wild card team in Rams - 67.2% chance to make the playoffs, currently 7th seed Raiders - 59.6% chance to make the playoffs, currently the 6 seed Titans - 85.5% chance to make the playoffs, currently the 4 seed Chiefs - 99.9% chance to make the playoffs, currently the 2 seed Jets - 0% Patriots - 0% Seahawks - 93.6%, currently the 2 seed So that's 4-2 against playoff teams this year. Let's also recognize that 6 of our 9 games have come against playoff caliber teams, and this team hasn't wilted. I'm excited about the rest of this season, and hope we're still building steam and will peak at the right time.
  2. Sorry if it's been discussed, did anyone hear anything on Tre White's injury after the game?
  3. What happens if you take out the Jets and Patriots games? I mean I know that's kind of a cop out, but it seems like when we play a terrible offensive line we get lots of pressure, and when we play a line with a pulse we are putrid.
  4. I play in a band and also started a couple years ago making stuff all on my own and have released a few albums now. My latest got a very nice write up on one of my favorite music blogs if anyone likes fuzz / pop / lo-fi type stuff. http://post-trash.com/news/2020/11/4/grass-jaw-germs-album-review https://grassjaw.bandcamp.com/
  5. 2 Minutes 30 seconds - how do you think we felt Henry?
  6. I'm not gonna read through this whole thing, but just wanted to point out that Belicheck basically outcoached himself (and maybe singlehandedly lost the game) with that onside kick call.
  7. This has also bothered me for the past year, and I almost wonder if Allen just has a really hard time with the touch on those short passes and they see it as a liability (maybe for INTs / turnovers?)
  8. Tre doesn't really have any reason to walk away. He's not in any jeopardy, and I'm sure he has a capable attorney who's handling all this for him. These people were pissed that the contract was cancelled during attorney review (probably unethically, but not illegally) and are using the courts to throw a tantrum. ***** 'em.
  9. hot seat usually refers to a Coach who's in danger of being fired.
  10. Congratulations! Can I drink even though she can’t? How about eating sushi? How does she feel about it? Having kids really highlights any gaps or problems in communication in a relationship, which can ***** ***** up bad. Work on your communication, both speaking honestly without being a dick, and listening without trying to solve her problems (unless she asks you to.) That's more marriage advice than Dad advice, but it's hard to raise kids in an unhappy marriage. As for Dad advice, just do your best to be kind, patient, loving. Kids are a weird combination of innocent and selfish (BIOLOGY) and they're usually doing the best they can. There will probably be times when they're awful and you will hate them. Take a breath, take a break and get over it.
  11. This whole thing is bizarre. It seems a third attorney sent the seller a letter, claiming to represent the buyer cancelling the contract. The buyer claims this was actually set up by the Seller as a way of getting out of the contract. I'm not a lawyer, but if I'm reading it right, it appears the seller didn't formally cancel the contract during the Attorney Review period because they had received a letter cancelling the contract from an Attorney claiming to be representing the buyer, so they assumed it was already invalid. The whole thing is very strange.
  12. Not really straightforward at all, my understanding (in the middle of a home purchase in NY state right now) is that you get 3 business days from the time the contract is signed for attorney review, during which time either party is able to back out for any reason. Is it unethical? Yes. Is it illegal? No. Lawsuit seems either vengeful or frivolous.
  13. I would say the most disappointing loss was the playoff game last year. It didn't hurt that we blew a huge lead and I flew to Houston for it.
  14. No, I saw a video where Gabe did check in. I thought they called it on Davis, but seems like maybe they meant to call it on the other side.
  15. To some extent, but in College he was a 66% passer. His first few years in the league I don't remember him having weapons or protection, so I think that has more to do with his early NFL numbers. Allen coming out of college was thought of as inaccurate, that was not a knock on Smith at the time, if anything he was thought to be a "System" qb who only thrived in College because of the short high percentage passing attack.
  16. They don't really have a better option though.
  17. I guess? I think we have 3 more games against teams as good as the Titans or Chiefs. Yes, a few of them are coming up with Patriots and Seahawks. I think we match well against the Patriots, and we'll see if we can pick it up against Seattle (hopefully with a healthier roster at that point.)
  18. If we pick up a few more first downs and help the defense out a bit more it's possible we only need to score 20 or 23 points.
  19. Yeah, I don't think he played great, but I agree it's not all on him. But I do think we're not beating out the Chiefs without a better game from him and the whole offense.
  20. I'm not expecting flawless play from the offense. They needed some first downs. Josh passed for 120 yards and 50% accuracy. There's not a team in the league that will beat the Chiefs with that from their QB. And I'm not saying the sky is falling or Josh has regressed or we're in trouble. Just that he's had a couple bad games in a row, and last night we weren't beating the best team in the league with that game from him.
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