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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. I thought the dispensaries weren't gonna be open for at least another year.
  2. He only played one year in College, so certainly might need some time to work on his outside moves. Still, if a guy's getting the the QB, I don't really care if he's doing it inside or outside.
  3. If the defense allows fewer points and can get the ball back in Josh's hands then it's a big help.
  4. Lots of other people have said it, but it's a choice the players have if they want to play pro sports. I don't see it as any different than the fact that if you want to be a working actor, you probably have to move to LA (or maybe NY.) There are lotos of other fields in this country where you may have to relocate based on your job if you want to keep your job (thinking in energy production, and I'm sure there are many others.)
  5. That's how much he specifically gains, but how much do others in the offense benefit from his presence? As someone else mentioned, if other teams have to account for a guy like him who could go the distance n any given play, how much does that help the rest of the offense (and passing game in particular.)
  6. Tony gets shot. It's pretty clear, I thought the ending was fitting and it's never bothered me. He didn't see it coming, and the series was largely from his perspective, so neither did we. Chase has talked about this more recently and I think he's also been pretty clear about what happened (although not sure if he's ever come out and said it directly.) Seinfeld ending was bad, but somehow fitting?
  7. The latest I saw was that 60% would take it. Also, Canada is pretty dar behind as I understand it with vaccinations, we're hogging them all on this side of the border.
  8. What section are you in? I got tickets for the first time this year, and afterwards decided I wished I had moved into 100 level, but not sure if that will still be an option by the time my window comes on Friday.
  9. I assume this happened because we are making a conscious decision to never punt again, since punting is for losers.
  10. I've got some airline miles expiring in June, can't wait until the schedule comes out so I can start booking some stuff
  11. How do you figure? Typically this year's first is worth 2 future first rounders (or a 2nd this year and next year's 1st.) Obviously depends on specifics and circumstances (and could be very different this year) but I don't think it's out of sorts to think that if there is a player a team really wants at 30 that they would trade us next year's first outright.
  12. I saw something this past week (maybe in the Athletic or Defector?) about how just by numbers, there are a lot fewer players who have declared for the draft this year, and so many players are taking advantage of the extra year of eligibility due to Covid, so there is some math / data that backs that this will be the weakest draft class in a while. Still, if 3 QBs end up being Pro Bowl type players, especially if Kyle Pitts and a RB or 2 become perennial all stars, I'm not sure it will be perceived as a weak draft in the future. But I think depth wise, it's widely regarded as not a deep draft (and not a great year to be picking 30th probably.) I do wonder if the Bills don't see anyone they love at 30 if they would trade it away for a 1st next year.
  13. I feel like what we need is depth and developmental guys who should turn into good starters down the road. A great situation to be in, where we should truly be able to focus on BPA.
  14. Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere or if it's worth its own thread, but I encourage everyone to watch Dr. Fauci's conversation with Marshawn.
  15. I'd be willing to bet we'll open at Kansas City, maybe Monday night, or even the Thursday opener?
  16. Got my first jab a week ago today (Moderna), no side effects from the first other than a sore arm.
  17. In effect increasing his guaranteed $ and getting him some more $ this year. I know it's a not a major re-working, but it is a reworking that benefitted both sides.
  18. Josh will count for similar until after his 4th or fifth year just like Mahomes did. So we've got a year or two to really worry about it. Diggs has earned a raise, but he just had his contract redone THIS year, so my guess if he gets his redone it's not going to be at that 25 million dollar level (I'm not saying he's not worth it.)
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