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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. If someone is saying we need more depth at CB I'm not going to argue, but to me when someone says "Marshon Lattimore" depth is not the word that comes to mind.
  2. Sure, it's possible, but IMO the CB question gets asked a lot more than it should and the pass rush question hasn't been. Looking at our draft tells me the FO agrees.
  3. "The CB Situation" isn't really a thing. Most anyone we put back there is going to have trouble unless our D line plays better than they did last year.
  4. Yeah, I know 1/24/2021 Last Game 9/12/2021 Next Game 231 Days In Between
  5. Not sure that's entirely the difference - The Bills are winning, and in a non-pandemic year profitable. The Sabres have been losing / unprofitable since the Pegulas took the team over. At a certain point they made the decision to cut costs. Kevyn Adams might really know what he's doing, but it might be hard to tell with the constraints he's facing.
  6. Not yet, just the Miami, Houston and Yankees series included for now. I'm guessing they don't want to sell too far out in case Canada opens back up and the Jays can return across the border.
  7. Sorry, I mis-spoke. 231 days between Jan 24 and Sept 12th. (My math was still maybe off, I was using a spreadsheet, I just counted manually and I think it's 229?) Anyway, you get the point, or maybe you don't
  8. Our last game was on 1/24, 231 days ago. We play again on 9/12, 113 days away. We passed the halfway point of our offseason last week. Is it moving too slow for everyone else also?
  9. I'm bringing my wife and kids up for the home opener (well just me and the older son are going to the game.) They were in Buffalo about 3 years ago but not really old enough to remember it. I'm excited to bring them to Ted's, Gabriel's Gate and Anderson's on Saturday.
  10. Is anyone else really excited to yell BOOOOGGIIIEEEE a la the old days of BRUUUUUCE
  11. W-L records are going to look so weird this year I'd say the owners care at least as much about home field advantage during the stretch run. If this team is as good as we expect, it'll be easy enough to sell your tickets to any games you don't want to sit in the cold in.
  12. Has anyone seen a preseason schedule yet? Hoping to take my little one for the Kids day game.
  13. Well, since you're talking about Florida it's a fair assumption that the state government doesn't care, so in this case it's more likely that any regulations / requirements would come down from the league. In reality, the league or local / state governments all have the ability to put whatever requirements they want on these things.
  14. He's saying it'll be covered n the various morning shows, so yes, by then at the latest.
  15. Maybe, I'd doubt it's us though. Also got an email from the Bills a few months ago about getting the extra home game with no extra cost, so if they are taking a game away seems they may need to do some price adjustment (because there's also one fewer preseason game I believe.)
  16. Falcons are playing in London, it would be weird if they had announced theirs but others are waiting until tomorrow to be released.
  17. I recently moved back to the Finger Lakes region and got season tickets this year for the first time in 30+ years of fandom. I am so excited to find out the schedule Wednesday, both to figure out which home games I'm going to, and also too hopefully plan a road trip or 2 and use of some of the airline miles that have been building over the last year which we were stuck at home. CANNOT WAIT
  18. Got my second Moderna at lunchtime Friday, Friday night woke up in the middle of the night with bad chills, got up to get a blanket. I was pretty sick Saturday (body aches, bad chills, no energy - literally felt like I couldn't move, and nausea.) Last night my fever broke, and was pretty much back to normal today except for a sore neck (which was probably my own fault for sleeping on the couch so much of Saturday.) Glad I got it done, I hope everyone else who can does so we can get back to "normal" ASAP.
  19. Are there any guys we drafted yet where there's not a thread about turning them into a TE?
  20. This is reminding me of when I used to play Nintendo Ice Hockey and would try my luck with all fat guys.
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