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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. A lot of those players had arrogant streaks and are up on the wall, to my knowledge tho' Bennet is the only convicted sex offender among them (and not up on the wall.)
  2. There are hundreds of thousands of sexual assaults in the US every year. When you say bogus lawsuit, I assume you are referring to one where it is proved that the allegation didn't happen - how many of those can you name? Out of the hundreds of thousands of sexual assaults every year (many of whom do not report or wait years or decades to report), it's unfortunate that that's what you're choosing to focus on.
  3. Were you trying to quote something else? Anyway, congrats to the folks on the board (including mods?) who are getting off on feeling superior to someone who chose to report sexual violence.
  4. How many boy scouts and altar boys came out 30+ years later? Bennet has a history of sexual assault during that time period. If you have a hard time giving the alleged victim the benefit of the doubt then literally the least you can do is keep it to yourself.
  5. There is a lot of writing out there about why people wait to disclose sexual assault, it's been happening for years (think Boy Scouts, Catholic Church, etc...)
  6. Everyone questioning the timing should maybe slow down. If you're a 17 year old girl in 1992 how comfortable are you coming forward with these allegations (keeping in mind the team's popularity and Bennet's importance.) There's been a sea change in how these things are viewed in the last 30 years, it doesn't mean it wasn't wrong then. And I'm not saying he's guilty either, just that there's no good reason to judge this woman right now. Re: suing the NFL and or team, and their culpability, maybe she does feel like she should be compensated and that's her best course (I don't know the state of CB's financial affairs.) It does seem like a big stretch to claim they are responsible for their employee unless there is some other prior knowledge or action taken (let's say if Bennet was previously accused and it is shown that the team or league covered it up.)
  7. I'm pretty sure you're thinking of the Hall of Fame (which I don't think he necessarily belongs) There's no voting for Wall of Fame that I'm aware of, I'm pretty sure it's entirely up to ownership.
  8. I was living with my parents, had graduated College in May and bounced around a couple bad jobs, and was off for a week before starting my next one, working selling TVs at an electronics store. I woke up late and watched news coverage until around Noon, tried calling to check on some friends who lived in the city (some who worked downtown) but couldn't reach anyone. Late morning or early afternoon I drove into the store where I was about to start working to check in and remember watching so much terrible stuff on a giant wall of TVs. I finally heard from my friend who worked downtown the next day via email, he had walked home about 15 miles to the southern tip of Brooklyn. I moved to the city a few months later, and met so many people who were really forever changed by it.
  9. I didn’t see the game and just catching up (at my wife’s family reunion) this weekend. Haven’t seen anything on any injuries, did we come away unscathed?
  10. In the final % wouldn't / shouldn't you count practice squad player though, since they're in the building every day? And I would assume (as bubble players) they may be 100% or close to it.
  11. Not a bad plan except it seems like McKenzie is also unvaxxed and therefore unreliable. At this point it feels like there is a problem in the WR room.
  12. It doesn't matter to the players who have to sit out, I was merely correcting some misinformation. Every trainer / coach is vaxxed.
  13. I had read earlier that teams below 80% vaccination would have different rules re: team meetings, etc... Does anyone know if that's still the case, and if so is the 80% including practice squad players or just 53 man roster?
  14. The problem is posters on this board have shown over and over again that they can't do this. If those that run the board have decided it's too much of headache trying to manage it, then that's that. If you don't like it you can find another board or start your own.
  15. I saw speculation earlier that Josh was likely vaccinated based on him not wearing a mask I think during some interviews (could be wrong, I guess we'll see soon.) I'ver seen Star mentioned here, but not in any reporting, does anyone have a link or confirmation that he's on the list of guys missing 5 days?
  16. I'm glad someone explained this so eloquently. Very well put, and all of the arguments really should boil down to this. If vaccines reduce the chance of getting Covid by a significant margin (which they do) then every player who gets vaccinated reduces the risk of an outbreak on their team. Of course it's not 100%, and there will be breakthrough cases. If you want 100% chance of not having players catch Covid from NFL activities then cancel the season.
  17. If they go on Covid reserve we do get the option of replacing them, although I'd be surprised if this lasts into week 1. But if it did, we could use it to keep guys like Marquez into week 1 before stashing him on IR.
  18. It's been said but it's crazy how much people think trades work. A 4th for Fromm should get the Atlanta GM fired. 1. They're most likely not going to be good this year, and you don't waste draft capital in a year where it won't make a difference. 2. They (and everyone else) know that Fromm is going to get cut. You offer a 7th if you really feel like he's worth having on your team and don't want to take the risk of someone else picking him up on waivers (but the Falcons were terrible last year so unless the Jets, Jacksonville or Texans want him they'd have dibs anyway.)
  19. WTF? Not the fact that she slapped him? I know you're not supposed to hit a woman (in fact I was raised to not hit anyone if there's an option) but this escalated when she put her hands on him.
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