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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. It's so goddamn frustrating that people are making jokes about this. I've had too many friends die of this disease, and it's just infuriating that we know how to stop its spread, and people refuse to take the simple steps to do so. I'll try to stay out of this thread going forward (I'm guessing it won't stay unlocked for long anyway.)
  2. If they're not going to at least wear them inside I hope they're going to require vaccination.
  3. It would be great if they at least tried to enforce the indoor mask policy that was supposed to be in place. I'd say only about 10-15% of people were wearing them in the concourses / restrooms.
  4. For this game I got dropped off and got picked after the game at the Big Tree Rd & Orchard Pk Park and Ride - does anyone know if you're allowed to park there on game day? It's a hike, but seems like easy to get out. We've got about a 3 hour drive and I'm bringing an 8 year old, so easy in / out is important.
  5. I started with the Mannings, and I guess they were entertaining but plays would happen and they wouldn't break their conversation. It was weird.
  6. I was hoping for more screens also, but usually they're effective against the blitz. The problem Sunday was that Pittsburgh was getting so much pressure with only 3 or 4 defenders. Still, I think especially against teams with pass rushes like that we need all the help we can get in blocking and keeping them honest.
  7. I'm guessing I'm not the only person this applies to, but my last 2 games were Houston in the playoffs, and yesterday. Sorry guys.
  8. Wait, are you saying he was too progressive in game management? My feeling (and everything I've seen / heard) has been the complete opposite. This team is going to win our maximum number of games by getting ahead and then keep scoring points and pressure other teams into mistakes. You don't do that by punting all day long. On 4th and short, go for it, especially when your defense as playing as well as ours did in the first 3 quarters yesterday.
  9. Just got home from being in Buffalo for the game. My feeling is the Head Coach and O Coordinator (and even to some extent the GM) aren't on the same page, and it's hurting us. If McDermott is going to insist on playing field position safe game, then we need to at least threaten the run. If we can't do that (or refuse to do that by lining up with an empty backfield over and over) then we're gonna keep losing games. Honestly, I'd much prefer that we find some balance, where we at least have a threat of running, but also don't rely on it or coach like we want to win 13-6. The 4th down calls yesterday really hurt us, and I hope someone can get into McDermott's ear this week and convince him that's not the way this team should operate.
  10. Most places that do any kind of volume have several fryers, all it takes is some care by the kitchen to make sure that one of them doesn't handle breaded stuff, there shouldn't be any additional cost.
  11. Eh, people choose to have empathy or not, I'm not going to blame how I treat someone on what someone else eats. Oh, I guess you don't like when the jokes are at your expense. But sure, it's everyone else who is soft.
  12. He's got Spagz's cadence, he just replaced youse with yinz.
  13. This doesn't make any sense, the only thing you would need to do to make wings gluten free is not bread them (which of course should be the case anyway) and not share the fryer with anything else that is breaded, which shouldn't make them any worse. Really? my son has Celiac, that makes him soft? Go jump in a lake. Or better yet try the falls in a barrel.
  14. Just watching the last episode - did they just cut like all the practice squad players at the same time? I've always seen where it seems like they meet and tell each player individually. Seems F'd up.
  15. Yeah, I mean we're good now so it's harder to find things to pick on.
  16. Looks like this was published yesterday, posting it here in case anyone else missed it https://defector.com/why-your-team-sucks-2021-buffalo-bills/
  17. https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/43csm2/south-park-beefcake-beefcake
  18. It doesn't go into detail on how they should have known, but if it was an "official event" as is referred to throughout this then they may not need to have known.
  19. https://innerloopblog.com/2019/05/04/oj-simpson-to-be-removed-from-bills-wall-of-fame-replaced-with-arthur-shawcross/
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