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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Hi all - this is a double post with permission from the Mods (also in Fantasy Community here ) Would anyone be interested in having a weekly group / league for daily fantasy? Edit to give a little more information (feel free to chime in on things you'd like to see or if you have any suggestions on how to do it differently.) I have been really enjoying the Thursday night single game contests on Fanduel. I was thinking it might be fun to have the group play just the Sunday night game each week. We could also take a vote if we want to spread it around more. I'd be a little hesitant for it to be focused on the Bills games, but could try something like that if it's the direction people would like it to go in. For those who haven't played, you basically have a budget and can pick 5 offensive players from that game (with a set budget so you can't just pick the 5 biggest stars) with your top choice getting their points multiplied 1.5x. We can pick the buy in, but I was thinking 5 or 10$ a week. For anyone who is not already signed up for Fanduel, if you use this link you'll get a 10$ credit (and full disclosure so will I.) We can either set it as a public league to fill it out (but we will all know about it and would be hopefully mostly TBD people) or we can do a private league, in which case those interested would need to share their usernames with me so I can invite them. For anyone who is interested - please respond (or message me) with your FanDuel username so I can add you to the contest. Thanks!
  2. Would anyone be interested in having a weekly group / league for daily fantasy? Edit to give a little more information (feel free to chime in on things you'd like to see or if you have any suggestions on how to do it differently.) I have been really enjoying the Thursday night single game contests on Fanduel. I was thinking it might be fun to have the group play just the Sunday night game each week. We could also take a vote if we want to spread it around more. I'd be a little hesitant for it to be focused on the Bills games, but could try something like that if it's the direction people would like it to go in. For those who haven't played, you basically have a budget and can pick 5 offensive players from that game (with a set budget so you can't just pick the 5 biggest stars) with your top choice getting their points multiplied 1.5x. We can pick the buy in, but I was thinking 5 or 10$ a week. For anyone who is not already signed up for Fanduel, if you use this link you'll get a 10$ credit (and full disclosure so will I.)
  3. Both my kids caught it (Lyme) this summer, my older didn't get the bullseye rash and so we didn't catch it until symptoms were pretty severe. We've seen a few different doctors, and one recently said if there is any kind of mold in the environment that can be a big trigger for symptoms / effects.
  4. A test from 3-4 days ago saying you were negative does not mean that you are negative now. It's not the assurance that you seem to think it is. Testing is great in a situation with high vaccination rate (70 - 80% or higher) and or low community spread, it doesn't really do enough in the situation we are currently in.
  5. Because it is logistically difficult to verify that the person's negative test is legitimate. And again, no one is saying a covid positive vaxxed person can go to the game, although it is understood that there will be some due to asymptomatic cases. (Just as some who test negative may just not have sufficient virus in their body at that time to register a positive but could still infect others.)
  6. They had a guy from Pegula Sports and Entertainment on WGR this morning. They asked this question, and he gave several reasons. 1. Negative Test without vaccination still leaves too much room for error and would require masks (the County would still have required masks) which becomes an enforcement and game day experience problem. 2. They know they already face a challenge getting fans in the stands in a reasonable time frame before kickoff. Adding a check of negative tests (and where do the tests come from, are they valid, etc...) would complicate things and make it more difficult to do so. I tend to think #2 is the biggest reason why they are not doing this. Last year when negative test was accepted before the playoff games it had to go through the Bills' vendor, and it was pretty airtight. That was for 6000 people for two games, they're not gonna do the same for 30,000 or more every other week. And they're not going to risk people faking negative test results, which I think would be much easier than faking a vaccination card (although I know that also can be done.) These are reasonable explanations. I'm sure they won't seem so to you (or at least you won't admit it.)
  7. https://www.theonion.com/norm-macdonald-sent-to-hell-for-mocking-god-s-friend-o-1847680849
  8. Anyone with an immune system that is too weak to receive the vaccine almost certainly would not be able to safely attend a football game with 70000 people right now before or after the latest policy. Also everyone I've spoken to with some level of compromised immune system is heavily invested in getting as many people vaccinated as possible through whatever means possible. Their personal safety is dependent on it. I saw your response to who is "they" and it's not clear who you are actually blaming here, but it is coming across as blaming those who are in favor of the new policy, and that sucks. It would have been completely unenforceable. That game would have ended with fewer than 1000 fans in attendance if they somehow could have kicked out the other 69000 people who wouldn't mask up without a riot.
  9. Who is "They"? There's no agenda here to split us up by requiring vaccines. There are lots of agendas for those spreading misinformation about the vaccine (including some I'm sure who are well intentioned and feel they are helping.) But the goal of this policy is to reduce spread of a deadly disease. To suggest some other agenda is inflammatory and flat out incorrect.
  10. Good luck with that Charlie. Saving this post for posterity. There may be lawsuits, and they will be thrown out like the garbage they are. Also, feel free to quote / link the specific text in the constitution that this is in violation of. https://www.senate.gov/civics/constitution_item/constitution.htm
  11. It doesn't matter, the NFL is the business hosting the event. Think of it this way, if you're renting a hall for a wedding, you have the right to have all guests of the wedding be vaccinated or wear masks (how you enforce it is another question.) The hall could also say we're going to require vaccinations or masks as a pre-requisite to having the event here. But the hall isn't going to overrule restrictions the host of the event wants to put in place.
  12. The NFL certainly as a a private business could choose to require its customers to be vaccinated, just like any other business.
  13. It wouldn't surprise me if it's just a matter of trying to land on a policy they can implement in such a short time frame. The more moving parts (trying to figure out which tests, how to get them validated, how soon before the game) the more complicated it is. It's much simpler to just offer the vaccination option, and if that convinces a few hundred or thousand people to get vaccinated then it's a public health bonus.
  14. A straw man is when you make up an argument that no one is arguing against. Like in this case we keep saying it sucks that they’re not letting you in based on recovering from a recent case, but it doesn’t really impact us. You can get the jab or not. But in two weeks I WILL be a lot less likely to sit next to an unmasked fan with COVID than I was last week when they didn’t require vaccination which is ***** great. I’m happy about that.
  15. If your state has a passport app you may be able to use it (I’d check with the Bills first.) I believe you can either pay for the Clear passport or definitely can just bring your card.
  16. Another strawman. You are less likely to have it, pass it on or have serious symptoms if infected. No one is saying (or has said) that if vaccinated you can't get it.
  17. Your argument is a strawman. There is a thread with lots of links and details (to real publications and web sites) explaining why those who have been vaccinated are less likely to carry and pass on the disease.) Yes, a vaccinated person could have it and not know (or choose to go to the game anyway.) Anyone who is known to have it (vaccinated or not) is not allowed to attend. IMO by requiring vaccination the county is reducing the overall spread of the disease, and it makes sense to me. I'm sorry that in your case you had it and may be immune ands still can't go. Sucks to be you. But you could also just suck it up and get the shot. Or don't, IDGAF.
  18. A negative test does not mean you do not have the virus or are capable of spreading it. It's been shown over and over again that those who are not yet testing positive may be carrying and spreading the disease. Think back to all of the outbreaks last year in the NFL where players kept testing negative, until they didn't. Now someone has answered the question you keep asking, although I am sure you will find some reason to dispute it or come up with some other argument.
  19. No, I seriously would much rather not get coughed on at all and don't understand why I would need to make that decision since I've successfully taught 2 kids under 8 how not to cover their mouths. (They also are completely capable of wearing masks to school every day and have had lots of vaccinations with surprisingly few tears.) If the question is who would I rather sit next to, 100% it's someone who is vaccinated, because in general I'd prefer their company, and would feel safe enough next to them.
  20. I think the fact that it was unenforceable (and completely disregarded by 99% of the attendees) is exactly why the have the new policy.
  21. Norm made me laugh a lot over the years. He was kind of bonkers. He will be missed.
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