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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Or not - we only had 3 people join so tonight's contest isn't happening.
  2. I've seen some reporters referencing all 22 this year in their game coverage, do they have separate access to another tool to be able to watch the all 22 footage? I wonder if they're trying to see how many people complain to judge whether they can charge more next year for an extra tier including it.
  3. Sure, and teams never ever fudge that. Brady was hurt all last year without being on the report. I feel like the Bills had a similar version of this 2-3 years ago with a defender (maybe Lorenzo Alexander?)
  4. Don't beat yourself up, lots of people watch the olympics. It does look like a mark that could be from cupping. If it is it could be an injury, or he could just be using it as a form of massage / relaxation / therapy.
  5. I don't see Matt Millen on any of the games, was he relieved of his duties?
  6. This is all hall of fame material. Right up there with the old Crayonz posts.
  7. I took my 8 year old to the opener (his first game) and he's going back again with me on Sunday. He was exposed to some new stuff, but nothing too terrible - it probably helped that we're in the 100 level. fans are maybe a little less inebriated (but still pretty lubricated.)
  8. 2 keys for this week that I haven't seen mentioned much 1. Especially at home, mix up the snap count. Don't give the defense a head start by using a predictable snap / count. 2. Josh needs to do a better job using his eyes to look off defenders. He was doing a great job of it last year, but this year his eyes are frequently giving away where he wants to go with the ball all game long.
  9. Starting a topic for Week 3 contests (I'll create them and post later in the week) I'm thinking I will create one for: Thursday Night Sunday (full slate) Monday Night As always I am open to feedback on buy in, winning distribution and any other tweaks you'd like to see. Thanks! Brendan
  10. Also - I think we won't have the ability to keep this topic pinned long term, so if you haven't already, please join the club (link below) and I will try to post there with links to the weekly contests.
  11. Sure, that's fine with me. Did anyone have any thought / feedback otherwise? Did anyone who wanted to join not get in? Does the payout / scoring structure make sense or should we spread the prizes among top 3 or 4 (or more?)
  12. The defense obviously looked amazing yesterday. One thing too keep an eye out for- we were blitzing all day long (and we should have because it worked.) Generally that doesn't work against KC, blitzing Mahomes has been a surefire way to get torched. We'll see how it goes in a few weeks I guess
  13. Yeah, no one of those sacks I remember seeing on the replay Star getting tripled team while someone else came totally free.
  14. A couple things I think are really holding the offense back - 1. Last week and this there was no variation in the snap count. This week it's understandable on the road, but right now we're making it too easy on the ooposing D line. 2. Josh is staring down receivers over and over. I'm not sure why he's forgotten how to look guys off, but he needs to remember it quick.
  15. Last year Allen was really good at looking off receivers, this year it seems like he just forgot that's a thing you can do.
  16. Here is the link for this week. In future if people want to change it to include other games I'm open to it (although I really like the 1 game contests.) https://www.fanduel.com/entry/64108-248706391?invitedBy=brendankuntz&cnl=ca
  17. I’m not saying it’s likely, but I think the way the league is going someone will break that record, and based on the second half of last year it wouldn’t surprise me greatly if it were JA.
  18. not if he can start hitting on the deep ball Does anyone know what Tyler's streak is currently at?
  19. Ok, seems like we have at least 8 interested - I created the first contest here.
  20. Hi everyone! If you haven't already, please send me you FanDuel username. If you need to sign up, you can use this link and you and I will both get some credit. Once we have a few more people (hoping for close to ten for our first one) I will create a Contest for us for the Sunday night game.
  21. Cool, you just need to sign up over at Fanduel and share (you can private message me if you'd prefer) your username so I can send an invite. For anyone interested you can also join this club, if we can keep going as a weekly thing I will be posting there with details each week.
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