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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Not true. NHL follows the WADA prohibited list which includes Marijuana. http://www.nhlpa.com/PerformanceEnhancing/index.asp http://www.wada-ama.org/rtecontent/documen..._20_Sept_08.pdf NBA also doesn't allow pot. http://news.findlaw.com/legalnews/sports/d...ball/index.html and MLB http://www.cleveland.com/sports/index.ssf/...ed_drugs_p.html
  2. http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/7816844/
  3. I want to know how you have such insight to say that the younger players are better than the veterans he started them over. Even if some rookies might have more talent (e.g. James Hardy) I would disagree that that makes him a better player than say, Josh Reed if Hardy can't tun the right routes, or block to save his life. I'm not saying Reed or Hardy was the better player last year, I'm saying that D. Jauron was in a much better position than you or I to make that decision, and to think that he's sitting his "better" players just because they're young is ludicrous. Jauron, and any other coach in the league will pretty much always play the players who give them the best chance to win on any given Sunday. And to say that Jauron will play someone with more talent (but who might be a liability) is just stupid now that his job is on the line. He needs to win now, and can't afford young players to cost him games with rookie mistakes.
  4. I know that players can be fined for missing mandatory sessions, but does a portion of their paycheck come from offseason / preseason activities? Asking because I'm wondering if a player who goes through all of camp but then is cut in final cuts will actually be paid anything for their weeks worth of work (other than any signing bonus he may have received which I believe is guaranteed.) I am pretty sure that when a player is suspended for a certain number of games, its always reported that they will miss their game checks for those weeks, and I've seen it reported as being 1/16, 2/16, 4/14, etc..., which makes me think they only actually get paid salary for the 16 games.
  5. I think it would be an even better experiment if you made an educated guess as to which 5 players each team would leave unprotected, as per the usual expansion rules.
  6. Actually, with that team, they may never need to kick.
  7. You mean like Jabari Greer or Terrence McGee? What's your point?
  8. I don't think DJ or any coach is going to keep his best players off the field without a valid reason, especially in their second and third season. I think the perception of this is largely due to the constant updates / blogging on how great these young guys are looking in practice, most of which is coming from either Bills staff, or local Buffalo media, who has a vested interest in maintaining their relationship with the Bills staff.
  9. He's pointing out the fact that people on this board were super revved up about Joel Bell, then he got cut.
  10. You keep ignoring the fact that he doesn't have a choice, he is not allowed to be here. He would not allowed to be here if he had dropped out on the day of the draft. It's not an NCAA rule, it's an NFL rule. End of story. Shut Up.
  11. That depends, she did identify McIntyre originally, then recently said she could not. That and the fact that there's about a 100lb. difference between the two men makes me wonder what, if anything was accurate about her initial statement to the police.
  12. Also, I resent the implication that no one responded to your prior post. Are you calling me a nobody, or do you not really read posts either? http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?s=&am...t&p=1432810
  13. Read the article, it's confirmed. I don't know of any pics.
  14. That's our fake punt package. Unfortunately, we only run it on 4th down, and it's just too predictable to be effective. BTW, is anyone else freaked out that McKeller has his own Wikipedia page?
  15. I'm with you. We're not really a winning team, but anyway, I think he was probably referring to his time in St. Louis.
  16. And you're the king of being bothered by not knowing whether our fourth round draft pick might be injured.
  17. Because it's none of your business, and the OTA's are voluntary anyway.
  18. Hopefully the players who need it actually see most of this money, and it's not just divided among lawyers as is too often the case. I read somewhere that part of their complaint stemmed from the fact that the union had not actively marketed retired players in media such as video games; I hope this means that I'll soon be able to sack Phil Simms (or Jeff Hostetler) as Smith, Bennett, Talley, or Conlan.
  19. Yeah, that was intended for Mr. Wonderful, sorry.
  20. Quote Fixed GG Dude, they have cameras on lots of players, and they cut to them when they get a call. If you won't take our word for it, maybe you'll take Tim Graham's? Not that Berman didn't have Ralph's number, but he did identify the cab driver as Butler. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/nflnation/0-8-3...-in-Canton.html
  21. So your idea of not starting a controversy is bringing up a very controversial topic based on pure speculation? Nice.
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