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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. 1. John Wawrow has said that they are not close right now. There is a long time for this to get done, and it would be a big mistake for both sides to let it go very far into the season. Look at recent history (last ten years) and name 3 top 15 draft picks who ended up not being signed. 2. Because he's an idiot who will soon be out of the league. What do you think is going to happen the next time he gets arrested? 3. Yes. Not telling either. 4. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=brandon+marshall 5. WTF? Where have I bashed the Bills here or anywhere else? And why am I a rat-bastard? Because I'm tired of listening to you whine / spout nonsense?
  2. 1. Maybin will be a Bill. He will get paid by the Bills. 2. Marshall should not be a Bill. 3. Marshall will not be a Bill. 4. Marshall will be lucky to play two more full seasons without a long suspension. 5. Enough already.
  3. If he can't find an open man between Evans, Owens, Reed, Nelson, and Lynch, then I don't think Marshall is going to make much difference. And as pointed out by several other posters, you're going to have to give Marshall a mammoth contract, with money upfront to keep him happy, which doesn't make much sense considering he'll probably be out of the league before 2011.
  4. 1. He went to Arkansas. 2. I'm pretty sure he couldn't tell you what he had to take, since he left following his junior year because school was hard.
  5. Can't wait to try this out, thanks for the help! The All Play sucks, but the good part is that you can always go back to the old controls. The last version I had was 08, and other than the addition of some new kid friendly modes (5 on 5), and the hiding of franchise mode, the biggest difference is the cartoony graphics. I'm not a big fan of the cartoon style graphics, but if I really cared about the graphics I would have bought an Xbox. The biggest upside of the Wii version IMO are the motion controls, which in this version seem pretty similar to 08. Other observations after playing more games last night: it could just be my imagination, but Wood seems nasty in this game. I don't usually pay much attention to OL in video games, 'cause it never made much difference, but I noticed a few plays last night (e.g. linemen finishing blocks by pancaking guys, linemen blocking deep down field) and it was Wood every time. Also Nelson is a pass catching machine, and our 4 and 5 wr sets have been pretty much unstoppable. I've been experimenting some with the depth chart, and having Hardy or Parrish at the 3rd WR position makes the offense much more effective (I'm guessing this works in the video game world since they don't pay much attention to WR blocking.) On defense, I was a little disappointed that they don't have Maybin in as a starter; I've been subbing him in and he's been getting 1-2 sacks a game, unless I' playing the Jets, in which case had 7.
  6. And if anyone knows how to unlock it for Wii. Also, side note, does anyone else "ask Madden" for help when calling plays? I'll sometimes do this, especially on defense, and one of his soundbytes is "A smart coach would call this!" I inevitably think, yeah, but what would jauron do (wwjd)?
  7. I got the Wii version. Pretty disappointed. It doesn't come w/ franchise mode out of the box, I guess you have to unlock it.
  8. What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  9. According to the letter of the law, so did OJ. Doesn't mean we have to like or support him.
  10. Yes, he had surgery a month ago. According to the link you posted, he could be playing his sport within 2-3 more weeks. I'm not saying he will be, I'm saying he could be, according to the link you posted. The season starts more than one month from today. Will he have enough time to pick everything up and start? Very unlikely. PUP? Zero Contribution this year? It's a possibility, but I think that's a bit pessimistic.
  11. http://www.buffalonews.com/452/story/748269.html He had the surgery mid-july. According to this report, he could be back practicing soon, according to the link posted by zazie it could be a few more weeks.
  12. I don't think you understand PTR. These guys want it to happen, so the Bills and Maybin had better make it happen, right? Or else...
  13. As I mentioned in another thread, the other DEs being signed have very little to do with this. The DE in front of him got $57M, $31M of it guaranteed. The DE behind him got $15.4M, about $10M guaranteed. That's a pretty big difference. And where are you seeing that the players in front and behind him are signed. He was pick #11. The last I heard, the 8th, 9th, and 10th picks are all unsigned. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/nflnation/0-10-...raft-picks.html
  14. It's very unlikely that he will cost that much, considering the # 12 pick just signed for 5 years and 23 million.
  15. All of the DEs having been signed means almost nothing. Take last years 6th and 8th picks: 6. Vernon Gholston DE N.Y. Jets Signed 5 years, $50 million 8. Derrick Harvey DE Jacksonville Signed 5 years, $33.4 million Same position, two picks apart, and the salaries are completely different. At the top of the first round, being a spot or two higher makes a considerable difference, regardless of position. I'm with you in hoping that Maybin gets in soon. But it doesn't have much to do with which DEs have signed. And where are you getting that they guys before and after him have all signed? He's #11. The 8th, 9th, and 10th picks have not signed.
  16. If JP made wise investment choices, he should be making more in interest at this point as Mort's son is making as his weekly stipend. If Mort's son actually ends up making the team, then he very well could end up making more.
  17. I am ashamed, that I was tricked into thinking you were anything other than a troll. Done.
  18. Since I'm still pretty sure you don't have any money, how about this: If he doesn't play on Defense in the first 6 games, I won't post here any more. If he does, you don't post here any more.
  19. I like how your response to everyone who questions you is that "you live in your mom's basement." It's cute.
  20. Ralph bought the Bills for 25,000$ in 1959. I wonder what a 25,000$ investment in the UFL will be worth in 50 years...
  21. I'm wondering if there's any way to go back to 7:59?
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