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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Last year, we had more than enough trouble with the 3-4. Are you suggesting that by chaning their formations / gameplan they're cheating?
  2. How about Mike Schank? http://www.americanmovie.com/AMERICANMOVIE/mike/index.html
  3. How do some have custom rankings? (e.g. WTLF)
  4. nice how about 6000 Jeff George
  5. I'm pretty sure he's been gone for over a month. What is your fascination?
  6. Looking at this my numbers would definitely need updating.
  7. This is all getting a little confusing. The plea-down offered before the grand jury = 2 years. The plea deal he accepted = 2 years. Minimum mandated sentence when convicted of possession of an unregistered handgun in NYC = 3.5 years I think what JR was getting at is that if he weren't Plax, the plea deal may have been lighter. I tend to disagree, since the case was about as solid as anyone will ever find, but I can see his point (especially if Plax had not shot himself in the proverbial foot and literal butt.)
  8. You may be right that many people might get a less severe plea agreement when charged with illegal gun ownership in NYC. But I would guess that anyone who shoots themselves in a crowded nightclub would draw enough publicity to get at least this sentence, especially when considering how cut and dry the case is.
  9. Updated list: 50 Camp Fodder 100 Practice Squad 200 Rookie 300 Restricted Free Agent 500 Veteran 1000 All Pro 1500 Franchise Tagged 2000 Holding Out For A New Contract 3000 Hall of Famer 4000 Declining Hall of Famer 5000 Brett Favre
  10. If I wind up as Doug Flutie, I might stop posting. Now bring on the jokes.
  11. I'm honestly not really sure, which is why I left it blank. I don't really feel like a rookie here anymore, but I know some people might think otherwise. Maybe another new category is needed between rookie and veteran? Restricted Free Agent to kick in at 200?
  12. Your avatar just caused some pukeage. Shudder.....
  13. Camp Fodder Practice Squad Rookie Veteran All Pro Holding out for a new contract Hall of Famer Carpal Tunnel Brett Favre
  14. And Trump's body guard also has a permit.
  15. Again, to all the posters complaining that the sentence is too harsh, do you live in NYC? When was the last time you visited? Because there aren't many people who actually live here who complain about these laws. I have to worry about my wife's safety every day when she goes to work, she works in public schools throughout the city, mostly in terrible neighborhoods, and has come home in tears numerous times following shootings in the vicinity of her schools. If Plax, or anyone else wants to carry a gun in NYC, let them register it, and carry it legally. Otherwise, stay outside of NYC.
  16. this is a good post, but it probably belongs in the existing thread. taking bets - which happens first - this gets shut down, or maybin signs with the bills?
  17. Yeah, I'm quoting myself. http://www.philly.com/philly/news/homepage...red_gunman.html
  18. The hospital had a legal obligation to report it to police. You can bet that they would have followed this obligation if not for Plax's celebrity.
  19. What a city, not what a country. NYC has done a great deal to clean up gun crime, and their very strict gun laws have had a lot to do with it. I've lived here almost ten years now, and I'm glad they've taken such a hard line stance on the gun issue, for celebrities and regular folk. As for Vick / Stallworth combo, how about Marvin Harrison? Dude shot somebody, then hired someone to finish the job when it looked like they might talk. And he's walking around, and free to sign with whomever?
  20. You're wrong. Do you know who we're going to get for the money they would be paying Maybin? Ryan Denney. If you're lucky. Peppers is going to get over $15 million a season, vs. $5 million for Maybin. There's a reason no team has just moved on from a first round draft pick in recent memory. Draft picks are valuable. If they didn't think Maybin was worth the money coming to an 11th round pick, they shouldn't have drafted him there. You are right that it sucks that unproven rookies make so much, although it's much more exaggerated in the top 5 picks. Hopefully the next CBA will change this, but in the meantime, letting Maybin go would be akin to shooting yourself in the upper thigh to spite your butt.
  21. "I like my clubs. I really do. You should have seen them on the driving range on Friday."
  22. I would say he's so old that he can remember when they started a season in shape. No?
  23. "Golf is hard. It's hard to win when you're playing 18 holes."
  24. From this morning's Buf News, for all those who are acting as if the sky were falling: http://www.buffalonews.com/452/story/769088.html And recent rookie sack leaders: 2007 • DE Gaines Adams, Tampa Bay, 6 sacks Obtained: First-round pick (fourth overall) out of Clemson • DT Amobi Okoye, Houston, 5.5 sacks Obtained: First-round pick (10th overall) out of Louisville • ILB David Harris, Jets, 5 sacks Obtained: Second-round pick (47th overall) out of Michigan 2008: 1 Cliff Avril DET 5.0 1 Jason Jones TEN 5.0 1 Trevor Scott OAK 5.0 4 Sedrick Ellis NO 4.0 4 Chris Long STL DE 4.0 6 Derrick Harvey JAC 3.5
  25. He may well be. But probably not before Marshall is in jail / out of the league.
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