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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Really relieved that this is not a thread about fans being "out".
  2. Would you want to spend your downtime in a forum where every single move you and your co-workers made was picked apart by a bunch of amateurs?
  3. You're right, they were the ones who looked like swiss cheese vs. a 3 man pass rush.
  4. I really feel like we need to lighten up a little. Maybe looking for some positives from last night's game can help. I'll start: No major injuries sustained.
  5. I think he's mostly referring to the two rookies on the O-line.
  6. Well, if you want to nitpick, you could blame the front office who actually decides which players we bring in (although obviously with DJ's input.) I'm not going to fault you for being mad at DJ and company (maybe you're referring to the front office there.) I'm still holding out some hope for the season, 'cause I think it's too early to give up, if only on principle.
  7. I'm starting to miss the Wade Phillips press conferences. "Well, we played pretty well consistent-wise."
  8. I guess I can't win. As much as I didn't blame the coaches, did you hear me give a ringing endorsement of Jauron? People in this forum should probably ease off the caffeine, everyone seems to be a little jumpy. Understandable given that poor excuse for a football game.
  9. Beat me to it. You should have seen how hard I worked on Friday. Unfortunately, it's hard to watch the Bills play in the NFL.
  10. Not sure if you were trying to reply to my post, or all posts in general, but I tried not to blame coaching, but piss poor execution. Our first sting players were not able to block, run, tackle, pass, catch, or kick, at all. And it could have just been a bad game. We didn't have TO, or Maybin. I'm not ready to post that we're doomed. But it was really, really hard to watch.
  11. I don't usually worry about preseason. BUT..., did you see the game? We looked absolutely putrid. And we've had one more game (and week of practice) than GB to get ready. I'm not going to completely blame coaching, the way the played tonight, I don't think Lombardi's second coming could have made much of a difference. Unable to execute in any phase of the game. Marv used to say something like, if you run, block, pass, catch, tackle, and kick better than your opponent, you'll win. Tonight we saw what happens if you don't do any of those things at all.
  12. Do you honestly think I'm going to call you a and then go complaining to the site owner? Sure, whatever. You didn't even insult me, you just seem to work at rubbing people the wrong way, myself included. Sometimes everyone is out to get you. Usually, there's a reason. But, please keep blaming it on everyone else. It's kind of fun watching you going down swinging.
  13. I'm getting the distinct impression that some of you guys don't care for Mr. Maybin.
  14. So your 700+ posts since July is attributable to something other than playing "Bills homies limp biscuit"? When you do it, it's cool, and meaningful. Because you know what Jack Kerouac looks like.
  15. And Billistic, I've read Kerouac, although I didn't recognize his picture. I much prefer HST.
  16. Actually, that makes perfect sense. Bill Murray + Lee Harvey Oswald = Jack Kerouac.
  17. Billistic: Completely unrelated, but your avatar is the lovechild of Bill Murray and Lee Harvey Oswald, right?
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