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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. I was thinking the same thing. Don't need any smoke related injuries.
  2. You're right, I was focusing on the players. Not sure what your complaint is, or still why you expected anything more from Seth McKinney.
  3. No, he called his glasses Ray, I think...
  4. Hmm, sounds like 2 QBs we already have on the roster with initials TE and RF. "Looked good a lot of times" = played like enough to lose.
  5. You know, Ray Orbison wasn't blind. He just liked those glasses.
  6. TO is to Seth McKinney as Lee Evans is to Duke Preston. Geez, why didn't I think of that.
  7. He's been in the league for eight years, which for a lineman means he is most likely on the downside of his career. He was a starter for some pretty bad Miami teams in 04-05 and half a season in Cleveland in 07. He was a backup for Cleveland last year. So yeah, that's just like saying Lee Evans is like TO (if TO had been a backup for the Browns last season....) http://www.nfl.com/players/sethmckinney/profile?id=MCK507237
  8. With the exception of started for a couple different teams (he had only started for us), and the fact that he has only been in the league 4 years instead of 8, this sounds again like you're talking about Duke Preston. Not sure why your expectations were any higher. He's a backup lineman. He was a free agent last year; if he was good enough to go somewhere and start (e.g. Hangartner) he would have done so.
  9. You mean an 8 year veteran who was not retained by his last team? What exactly were you expecting? Duke Preston?
  10. Thurman Thomas, James Lofton, and Don Beebe had something to do with that. But I agree that Andre should be in.
  11. That's the gist(sp?) of it yes. It could probably be done in a way that would pass muster with the board, but the landlord didn't want to deal with it, and it being his building, I'm ok with that. Like I said, they've been really good to us and it's just not worth fighting over.
  12. In your area, maybe the cable company is the better option. It's not that way for everyone. And it's nice that most people now have an alternative. In my last apartment, I had DirecTV and it was great. Great service, more channels than my local cable company, and very similar in price. And the option to have Sunday Ticket, yes.
  13. So you're just waiting for the team to move?
  14. Signed through next year: http://www.rotoworld.com/content/playerpag...0&sport=Nfl
  15. Yeah, and unfortunately it happens far too often across the league, coaches coming in an cleaning house. It's seen as kind of a per, being able to hand jobs to all the guys that helped you along the way. Fortunately for Rusty, he was able to move on; hopefully he was better compensated after leaving the Bills.
  16. Yeah, DirecTV called and was trying to sell me on the same. I considered it briefly, but I like my landlord too much to fight him over it. They've been really good to us, and I can understand him not wanting a Satellite Dish on his building.
  17. Even if this is the case, I'm definitely considering it, especially since my landlord won't let me get DirecTV. That's what I get for living in a "historical district."
  18. It's on the third screen of the ordering process: THE PACKAGE YOU HAVE CHOSEN Season Pass Video of each week's game matchups are available for viewing every Sunday at 9pm Pacific time Price: $39.99 * In U.S. Dollars
  19. Sounds very good to me too. Where did you see that the games were available 1 hour after the game ending? 'Cause what I just saw said that games are available @ 9PM PST.
  20. No, they don't appear to be in great shape. You'll see in my next post that I also miss Rusty. Just saying this injury isn't a result of poor conditioning.
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