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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. The player's union may be able to file a grievance, but it's unlikely to do much good - all the Bills need to be able to prove is that he misled / withheld information and he's got no case. Anyway, worst case scenario the Bills will be forced to pay his ~$700,000 contract this year. A small price to pay to move on from this.
  2. In the US you can generally fire someone for any reason at any time (other than a few protected Civil Rights type things, e.g. race, gender, etc...)
  3. I disagree, if there is any part of this that McDermott / the organization feels like Arraiza wasn't 100% honest about they can simply say it's a matter of broken trust. An employer isn't going to be required to keep on an employee that they feel they can't trust.
  4. I disagree here - police consistently ***** up rape so bad, and it's completely unacceptable that this has been going on for 10 months with no one charged (or cleared.) I think based on what is reported so far (understanding that not all of may be true, or it may not be the whole story) it's reasonable to think that almost certainly some bad ***** happened, he was involved to some degree, and I do not want this guy on our football team.
  5. The thing is, for every story similar to Duke Lacrosse there are 10 more women who are raped / sexually assaulted where the offenders are not held accountable.
  6. If that is the defense, are we really to believe that he didn't know / realize she was drunk?
  7. It is not, the Bills need to step up and make the decision here (which it seems like they already have) I agree that having him play seems like a bad move.
  8. For everyone talking about how the Beane and McDermott would never keep a guy who could have done this, let's not forget that they kept Tyrel Dodson after his domestic violence charge. In that case he served what the League deemed to be an appropriate suspension, and I don't really have a problem with him getting a second chance. But I think it is helpful in looking at how Beane and McDermott view a player in trouble - as a business decision.
  9. I wish I could believe that they believe that, but I don't.
  10. Who cares what the NFL can do (I already know they're a garbage organization) I want the Bills to do the right thing, and am disappointed that they probably won't (cause they would have weeks ago if they were going to.)
  11. I'd be willing to bet he would have been traded and played last year if not for those legal issues
  12. Watson didn't play for a year and has been suspended for another 11 games while it was "playing out"
  13. I wouldn't have thought that yesterday morning. But based on the details out there right now it sure looks like I was wrong.
  14. A civil suit is about money, and that's ok. His client also filed a police report and pretty obviously wants to press charges, she wants him held accountable in all the ways that are possible.
  15. It's difficult to discuss this thing without sounding like a shitbag. With that said (and as a likely shitbag) based on the details that have come out so far (especially the recorded phone call) unless the team has some extremely exculpatory evidence, I feel he should be cut (and should have been cut last month when they found out. This sucks.
  16. Next year is already gonna be tough with Josh's big numbers kicking in, I doubt we kick too much can down the road (everyone does it a little.)
  17. I took my kids last weekend, and while I can't vouch for any food (we ate in / around Buffalo) the Maid of the Mist was well worth the ~20 bucks per person. I've been to Niagara Falls probably 5-10 times in my life and can't believe I'd never done it before.
  18. Reminded me of Tommy Salami https://buffalonews.com/news/fan-caught-in-the-act-hoping-for-an-encore/article_c4a03a4e-c3e5-5d31-92db-80531b91f06e.html
  19. Yes, but if not for the legal trouble he almost certainly would have been traded and played last year.
  20. It's been like that for a few years, I think since they introduced the new short term IR rules
  21. If he goes on IR now he's lost for the season - to go on short term IR he'd have to take up a roster spot amongst the initial 53 man roster. I'm not saying they shouldn't do this, but I don't think they can just add him without any roster implications.
  22. Are you sure he can go on PUP list - I can't think of any examples of where a new signee goes directly to PUP, I've only seen it used on players already under contract. I believe the signings are usually dependent on a physical for this reason.
  23. This is a weird thread, and as others have pointed out the title is misleading. With that said - I think Hodgins is promising and I hope we hang on to him, but are you saying you wouldn't let him go for OBJ? If that's the case, why not lose Crowder for OBJ - the idea is he's a potential All Pro (if healthy) who can potentially get us over the top, or save our season if Diggs or Davis get hurt - why wouldn't we we make that roster move (assuming we fit him under the cap and he comes at not too heavy a long term cost.)
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