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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Maybe. But I'll take the word of the McLatchy News Services... wait, what the hell? Oh well, I still think you're wrong. And a jerk. http://www.thenewstribune.com/sports/seaha...ory/871309.html
  2. It's a possibility, but it seems to me that the big risk with Runyan is that he'll wind up on IR, since I don't really see anybody finding a better tackle midway through the year to replace him with. In this case (if he goes on IR), whoever signs him ends up eating his contract anyway, right?
  3. hehehe.... But seriously, more swagger than last year, when Donte Whitner guaranteed playoffs? playoffs?
  4. Maybe not, but it would nice to have a guy like that around to show these kids what it takes to play in the league. And I'd take him as a backup any day over Walker or Chambers.
  5. Maybe, but I think the Bills probably know they'll have to bid high to take him away from Philly anyway. I don't think Walker will really play into it.
  6. Owens did have such a clause, but he failed to act on it in time to make him a free agent. So he was traded to the Ravens, and should have been required to report. In any case, I see your point that the league needs to walk a fine line and make sure that the inmates aren't allowed to run the asylum. But at the same time, the league will not stand for a team getting screwed royally in a trade like this.
  7. Stuff like what? trading a player who you can't re-sign next year and may not really need this year for a 1st round draft pick? Which 30+ year old multiple pro-bowler in the last year of their contract do you think we could get a first round pick for? Who do we have on our roster that fits that bill?
  8. Hmm, I seem to remember the league getting involved in a very similar case a few years ago when a certain loudmouth receiver was traded to Baltimore, and eventually working it out so that said loudmouth receiver got his own way.
  9. Not a hakiu, but I had put this together following the New Orleans game (in 2005?) for a web site devoted to writing for the purpose of writing (RIP.) It was basically an exercise to put together a non-fiction piece of 101 words or less. A Season in Ten Seconds Ten seconds remain in the first half. Some dude named “Carney” from the New San Antonio Saints is about to kick off to my beloved Buffalo Bills. After forcefully driving down the field for a touchdown with their first possession, the Bills have looked pathetic, sluggish. In fact, I suspect foul play, possibly poison? I mean, it’s quite plausible that some deranged Saints fan could have slipped some of that Toxic Soup into our pre-game chowder, right? Terence McGee runs the kickoff eighty-five yards to the Saints 3 yard line, where he runs into five Bills and falls on his ass.
  10. http://www.thenewstribune.com/sports/seaha...ory/871309.html
  11. Sure, but that assumes he eventually reports to Oakland this year. If he waits too long to report (6 games, I think?) then Oakland gets to keep him next year as well.
  12. First of all, it's Seymour. It's a pet peeve of mine when someone starts a thread about a player and can't get the player's name right. Second, the Patriots won't wind up with the player and the pick.
  13. If Jauron was on Turk's back all offseason / preseason, it would indicate that Turk hadn't been doing what was asked of him.
  14. It's been said that if Walker gets a hand on you,. you're pretty much done. The problem is, he can't always get a hand on some of the quicker DEs and LBs, especially with the Bills running a quick tempo offense. Comparing 180 - 80 lbs is not quite the same as comparing 370 - 270.
  15. He was borderline too fat to play tackle. No f'ng way he could have played guard. The whole point of Bell coming in is that we wanted to get more athletic on the line. That being said, it's a risky move if Bell or Butler get hurt, we're probably screwed.
  16. I don't know about retribution, but in line with Lori's post, I will pay for lottery advice. After I hit the winning numbers of course.
  17. I beat them 102-0 in the AFC Championship game last week. (In Madden.)
  18. too high? what does that mean, too high? it's too long...
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