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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. The only scenario I can think of where this might happen is if we bring in a Shanahan, Cowher, Holmgren etc.... as a football czr, who might start out as GM, then transition to coach in the offseason after having some time to review personnel etc....
  2. Please name 3 ST Coordinators who moved into OC or DC positions.
  3. My wife surprised me for my 30th birthday with plane and game tickets, and we had an awesome time. Took a bus with some friends from Winston-Salem (all Bills backers) and tailgated all day on the front lawn of the local Archdiocese. Not sure I can really comment on Carolina tailgating since we were with Bills fans, but as for it being "White Bread and Mayonnaise," people tended to be pretty lively, and fun. There's a big black guy with a blue wig and a Thor hammer they showed on the Jumbotron a couple of times. For the most part the Panthers fans around us were pretty cordial, they were impressed that we flew in to watch the Bills.
  4. There were at least four throws where he was hit as the ball was coming out of his hand. And I think he was getting rid of the ball exceptionally quick.
  5. My wife surprised me yesterday morning with plane and game tickets for today and I am psyched. We're going with friends on a bus from Winston Salem, I think. I'm hoping Sputnik-Head will lead the Bills to a huuuuge win today in NC.
  6. I hope that dude has his **** together now, but I'll be happy if we can make him look foolish on Sunday. It looks like he did finally get his legal issues cleared up in WNY. http://www.whec.com/news/stories/S1047761.shtml?cat=565
  7. I love that filename: new_orleans_saints_plan_to_suc Don't they know there's a k at the end?
  8. Anybody else hoping we can lay a hurting on this dude's defense?
  9. They had a choice yesterday, and didn't pull the trigger.
  10. I don't claim to be an expert, but when Maybin went inside the guard was almost always there to help. Which meant he wasn't focusing on the DT. Unfortunately, Maybin didn't go inside often, and when he did, he was pretty easily neutralized.
  11. The stats don't show the consistent double teams which helped us get pressure up the middle consistently. I stopped counting how many times Leftwich got knocked on his ass.
  12. If Butler's going to be out for a while, I think we have to make a run at Runyan ASAP.
  13. I wonder if they had him sign some standard paperwork with the language about prosecution? He could have signed something like that without really reading it, if the cops presented him with it during / before the investigation.
  14. Hitting someone and driving away is a crime. Marshawn did hit someone, and he did drive away. Or at minimum, someone driving his car hit someone and drove away. Just because someone has the right to not incriminate themselves does not mean that they did not commit a crime. If you're going to dispute that this is what happened, I don't want to argue with you, it's not worth the effort. There was speculation on this board about what was painted on his lawn; what's come out since then is that it was not a racial epithet, but basically said: "Learn to take a knee" with the score of the game, and a graphic depiction of the male anatomy.
  15. I'm beginning to think a midget's balls would be over your head, Johnny.
  16. 1. 7-9 > 0-16 I'm not sure how long you've been a Bills fan, but it really sucks to have a real loser, and I'd much rather have a team who can win most games than a team that has no hope. It hurts more when they do end up being eliminated from playoff contention, but that's because you still care. Try being a Lions fan for a while and see if you still think there's no difference. 2. Fact: Dick Jauron has not won enough here. That does not mean he "has proven he can't win". He won 13 games and was coach of the year less than a decade ago. I'm not saying he will turn things around; I do think he has a better chance with this team, this year, than anyone else you could get to come here right now, especially if we end up firing our head coach after one game. We need to be proactive, not reactive. In other words, a decision should be made based on what the outcome might be, not because of what has happened in the past. In my opinion, the likely outcome of keeping him (through this year at least) is far more desirable than the likely outcome if he were to be fired today.
  17. How can it get any worse than 7-9? 0-16. Followed by paying the # pick in the draft a butt-load of money, then having him come in and do squat. Then being tied to his contract for at least 4 more losing years. And firing the coaching staff right now not only could get us there, but it would also make it very difficult to hire anyone good enough to turn things around. Who wants to come work for an organization that just decided 1 game into the season to fire the entire coaching staff? Who, in your estimation would come here following that, who could actually do anything to make things better?
  18. I think it's the Smerlas Curse. Flutie sucks.
  19. This article is total bull. He's complaining about how Jauron should have had confidence in his offense to kill the clock, but how he shouldn't have had any confidence in his kick returner? What is he basing that decision on?
  20. "They called me Mr. Glass" Regards, Samuel L. Jackson "Hey, that's my name dude" Regards, Tim Connolly
  21. and you posted this so we could all feel better about ourselves? 'cause this is the stupidest thing i've read on this board, and that's saying a lot.
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