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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. I also don't see much incentive to go on with replacement players if the owners are still getting their TV money.
  2. I saw game rewind mentioned a couple of times, I had this last year and it was a complete waste of money. The games aren't available until midnight (Sunday night) which means I couldn't watch until Monday. And since it was just about impossible to not know how poorly the Bills played before Monday, I watched only a couple of games using this service.
  3. Ford isn't running. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/02/opinion/02ford2.html
  4. Your avatar is totally freaking me out. Totally. Is that the human Philly Fanatic?
  5. BS, you've shown here that you'll argue anything and with anyone. Stop crying. Edit: I just read the rest of this thread. I guess you already did argue with everyone and everyone. And you'll be crying alone, or at least not on this board.
  6. Seriously, did you even read the post? This was not voted on by AP writers. The AP organizes the vote, and the AP decided that a revote was in order. I'm really tired of people constantly bitching and moaning without taking the time to understand the issue.
  7. Did you read any of the other posts? Did jw have a vote? - no Was the vote limited to AP writers? - no So you should probably stop attacking him. Also, it's spelled "credibility", and if you'd like to keep any you should think before you post.
  8. Edit: I should have said that there are a lot fewer rookie millionaires in the NHL. There aren't too many twenty year olds in the NFL period. The point remains, the pay structure for NHL rookies is highly regulated, vs. the NFL with no rookie cap.
  9. There are a lot fewer 20 year old NHL millionaires than there are 20 year old NFL millionaires. I would also say that the amount of parental involvement required for a child to play organized hockey probably impacts the numbers. A parent has to really care about his kid for that kid to play hockey (it's expensive, and can be a huge time commitment.)
  10. He's been right often enough that I'm thinking he'll get some slack if wrong, at least from those of us who have been paying attention in the last year.
  11. You guys know what this means: 1st round DB for the Bills.
  12. Because he wasn't charged with a crime in the Nevada case. And he's innocent until proven guilty in this case. I think what PK was trying to get at is that at the very least, Ben is guilty of bad judgment, and if so, he needs to grow up. If he's guilty of sexual assault, then he needs to be incarcerated.
  13. Yup. He showed some good flashes last year. I have a feeling he'll catch on with someone and do alright for himself.
  14. I think he's got a good shot, but it will take a while.
  15. I think you've gotten lots of good advice here so far. Sports are a small part of life, and I think that should be part of the lesson. My father asked me to watch some games with him about twenty years ago, and I still look forward to calling him on Sunday evenings to talk about the Bills, even when there isn't much good to discuss. It can be a great bonding experience. As for the players who don't seem to share your values, I think it can be another learning experience. In the end, most of the guys who break laws end up being punished. They may have more perks and get a few more chances than most people would, but that's real life. Guys with exceptional money or talent tend to get away with more.
  16. Once again DarthICE reaches to be really, really, wrong.
  17. Not sure if you meant to quote me, but I'm with you.
  18. Wow, I hope they draft him so this guy (backup Guard?) is off the team.
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