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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. I agree that Ralph is a businessman first and foremost, but you're ignoring the fact that he could have made a lot more money by moving the team any number of times. I'm not saying we owe him anything (I also don't think he owes us anything), but if money was all he cared about he would have moved the team long ago.
  2. Were Vick's dogs crossing a busy freeway against traffic? You're right, it's bull **** to compare the 2.
  3. We don't have a new qb or new LT. We have the same ones who didn't play very well (or didn't stay healthy) last year. I agree that it will be interesting to see what happens to the Redskins, and I don't see them being very good.
  4. I don't know what you're getting at. Are you talking about after he dies? Right now Ralph is the sole owner. He can't give the team to his kids now because he would have to pay a gift tax (so that people can't just give away things before they die to avoid the estate tax.)
  5. If Ralph is selling 30% for cash so that his family can afford to pay the estate tax on the team after he dies, then it's a good thing. But as he's said in the past, his family really isn't interested in taking over the team, so it's probably not this.
  6. I usually agree with you, but think about it this way. If he has a career ending injury this year, he doesn't get paid for the next two years of his contract. He's looking for some security. I think the issue is that the amount he is looking for is ridiculous.
  7. No one is saying we need to keep Marshawn, or that our line is in good shape. They're saying the Saints are not very likely to give up anyone who is any good for Marshawn, since they already have two very good running backs in Pierre Thomas and Reggie Bush (who also aren't one misstep away from a long suspension.) They lost their third stringer, why do you think they're going to give up a starting quality tackle to replace him?
  8. Did you read the article, or just the headline? Because the article questions what the final number of any proposal is, and also makes the following veruy valid statement (without providing any answers): Seeing what happened to Leon Washington last year with the Jets, I don't blame Revis for holding out for more guaranteed money.
  9. You're right that we don't know how it will be implemented. But one could make an educated guess, and I'd be willing to bet a lot of money based on my educated guess that a rookie salary cap will be implemented. And that once it is, a rookie 1st round pick will not make anywhere near what a pro bowler makes at the same position.
  10. Not in the event a rookie salary cap is implemented, which is likely at this point.
  11. No good can come from this, but Peters renegotiating his contract became a regular thing. And he went about it in a way that would have gotten most people fired. This is the source of the animosity. He first signed in 2004, then renegotiated in 2006 (to indicate his position as a starting tackle), and held out in 2008, again wanting a new contract.
  12. This isn't as exotic as Camembert, but it is the best cheddar i've ever had. My wife's whole family went to PSU, and they have also finally admitted that there this is better than anything produced in PA. http://www.wsu.edu/creamery/1flavors.html#cougargold
  13. All organizations have hits and misses in the draft. The reason the Brandon era does not get a pass is because we haven't won enough games.
  14. mine is super fast. i doubt it being a mac is your problem, unless there's some issue with another piece in your setup (e.g. wireless router.)
  15. Graham states that the depth chart is from Gailey.
  16. Wow, that maybe should have been broken into volumes. And all on Losman. Wow. (BTW, this is not an insult. I'm just amazed at the amount of thought anyone is still spending on Losman.)
  17. I did some sleuthing and found one of his daughters was born during his stint in Green Bay, the other had her first birthday in Green Bay. He was there from 86 - 94. So his daughters would be between the age of 16 - 25 (this year.) http://northshoremassgolf.com/Volumes/Volume%203/3_3/18.html
  18. I'm gonna disagree on this one. People tended to address him as one of our own, forgetting that he worked for ESPN, and had a responsibility to the company. I don't think he was asking for any kind of special treatment, only that people not turn his thread into a place to bash ESPN.
  19. This board is not as good without Lori.
  20. I think Trent has always looked better at the start of the season. Then we start playing real games, he gets his bell rung, and the season is over. I hope he can stay healthy this year, but I'm not optimistic.
  21. Link? My understanding is that contracts are guaranteed for Veterans if they're on the team on opening day, but not before that. Also his salary was just over $6 mil. He forfeited his $2 mil bonus by not showing up in the offseason for his physical.
  22. If they cut him before the first game it wouldn't have cost them $6 mil. This wasn't a cost cutting move, and to suggest it was is dumb.
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