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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. So you want them to go out and resign Derrick Dockery for $50 million?
  2. I think there are vague laws which prevent people from profiting from illegal acts. (I remember them coming into play when some mobsters tried to sell their life stories.) Might also apply here.
  3. This is a pretty good first post. I'm going to mark down Vince Wilfork as the Yankees First Baseman.
  4. I'd be very surprised, I don't see anything even remotely against the rules from the video.
  5. Speaking of the bad news bears, i was thinking of having some shirts printed up. What do you guys think? http://www.customink.com/designs/badnews3/...y_txt-_-button1
  6. When I mentioned toughness, I really wasn't speaking of injuries, more about the determination required to actually finish a game. We didn't have that last night either. I just think it's interesting that the a lot of people have been praising Chan for making practice tough. The team then comes out and looks like ****. Possibly because they're tired. Maybe it will still pay off. Maybe it doesn't matter and we're screwed either way, because we have a team full of pantywastes.
  7. Getting more reps behind this line isn't going to show you anything but how well he takes a hit.
  8. Two weeks of two a days might result in a tired team. Hopefully it will eventually pay off in some team toughness.
  9. Can we trade Marshawn for Tom Rathman?
  10. Also, it's not like he got chewed out by some coach who never played. He got chewed out by Tom Rathman.
  11. I think we're getting into semantics, but he was trying to run across a 6 lane road (without the benefit of a traffic light or crosswalk.) He wasn't waiting for a bus. He was running across a six-lane causeway, trying to catch a bus. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacArthur_Causeway They said he wasn't in a crosswalk (they didn't actually say there was a crosswalk.)
  12. Wait, so Chris Brown says the Bills won't be moving? hellelujah.
  13. Yes, we should be concerned that he may be a bust. Doesn't mean it's time to give up on the kid. Remember, he just turned 22 this spring.
  14. It's not ok to drink and drive. It's also not ok to kill dogs. It's also not ok to cross a busy highway illegally. Where is your info coming from that it was not an expressway? Because every article I've read says it was a busy highway. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/...ield/?related=1 It's also not ok to use "worst" when you mean "worse".
  15. And then, after she croaks I can marry one of Ralph's granddaughters? No, who am I kidding, I'd just move the team to LA.
  16. I don't think you can update the old versions with players from this year. That's how they get you to buy the new version each year.
  17. Good point, I wasn't thinking of the capital gains taxes he'd have to pay.
  18. If he feels he is getting good value (say $250 million) for the 30% stake, the businessmen in Ralph would be inclined to take it. I never suggested he would sell below market value, or make a sweetheart team to a local interest.
  19. I don't see how who he would sell to makes any difference. Anyone who buys a 30% will have 0% decision making abilities (including whether and where the team might move.)
  20. I agree with pretty much everything you're saying here. I think he's going to do with the team what he wants when he passes away. (In fact, I started my last post with agreeing that he is a businessman first and foremost.) I strongly disagree that his opportunity to make money by moving the team ended 20 years ago. How many teams have moved (or have threatened to move) to get brand new stadiums (with higher ticket prices) in the past twenty years?
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