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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. I'm definitely going to start referring to him as Lunch. Maybe Lunch Box.
  2. Why would anyone want that? What could you possibly be getting in return for such a bet?
  3. most of 'em. i have a lot of hate to give. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=middlefinger/061127 brian cox, class act all the way.
  4. Is her sole job really "Yearbook Advisor"? No wonder our kids are stupid.
  5. I agree, it's a very fine line. I'd argue that making something publicly available to anyone with an internet connection vs. inviting friends over to watch a fight is on two far apart sides of this line. That's just me. Technically, yes, if it can be proved that your friend knows that you don't have the legal right to make the copy and distribute it to him / her. Copyright law is not usually strictly enforced, which in my opinion leads a lot of people to completely disregard it. If you want to disregard it, I don't really give a damn (I got out of the music industry years back, so it's not impacting my paycheck anymore.) But to pretend it's legal is another thing altogether.
  6. That depends on your settings. You can easily choose not to share, or to only share files which are legal to share. To me that's more a question of enforceability rather than legality. But then again, I'm not a lawyer.
  7. I was joking. I have no idea what our scouting dept. looks like.
  8. In your opinion, is downloading music from a P2P site legal as well? Where is the line drawn?
  9. I don't feel sorry for the NFL, nor do I expect anyone else to. Nor am I judging anyone who watches these feeds. I think until they make available an affordable online package, they'll continue to have to spend a huge amount on resources to patrol for these types of feeds (while also potentially losing customers.) I just thought the myth that this might be somehow legal should be dispelled.
  10. Well, we have cut back on scouting. Looks like all we really needed was an SI subscription.
  11. Because the NFL owns the copyright and can distribute it as it sees fit. If you don't subscribe to HBO, should you be able to watch their programming because it's on in your neighbor's house?
  12. I'm not going to get into the question of whether it's legal for you to watch it. There's very little chance of you or someone else being prosecuted for this in any case. It is, however, certainly illegal for him to stream it. The NFL holds the copyright on all telecasts, and has the right to distribute them as they see fit. In the case of this thread, I don't think most have the questions have centered on the legality or ethics of providing the stream, rather it has been a question of whether the link in question forces users to download an unnecessary toolbar.
  13. I like watching the Bills as much as any of us, but anyone who has the misperception that this might be legal is seriously wrong. Like wrrong wrong.
  14. Alpha order may have been the tiebreaker all the way back then.
  15. I think they couldn't afford to waste a roster spot on a player who wouldn't be available until 3 or 4 games through the season, and who probably would not have been effective for the entire season. I think it's ridiculous when fans think a coach or the front office makes player decisions based on some hidden agenda, rather than winning football games (which is what sells tickets.) I think it's annoying when fans constantly second guess every decision coming out of OBD. Not that they our FO has the greatest track record, but believe me (or don't) most fans would run this team into the ground in a single season.
  16. Dude, did you notice how Hurricanes left New Orleans alone while Ditka was there? Don't knock Ditka.
  17. Gailey said he hoped to have him back by the season opener. So no.
  18. That or fell asleep... Sounds like he had been up all night partying.
  19. Can't believe no one's said it yet...
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