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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Using those words 10 years ago would be considered bigoted by the standards of 10 years ago as well, but I think I get your point - acceptable standards / feelings= do change. With that said, you're way off base about not people being considered bigoted 10 years from now for using the words man or woman. There is validity in a group of people being asked to be called by a certain term. A trans man is a man, a trans woman is a woman. There are people who are non-binary and don't feel they can be categorized into one of those two categories, it doesn't somehow change that there are also people who are men and women, or negate the use of those words. Also - this women wasn't using a word that was no longer acceptable, she was proclaiming the benefits of apartheid. C'mon.
  2. Sure, someone may have been more in line with the times in the 1950s, and could have grown / learned as a person. I remember my Dad explaining my Aunt being gay to me when I was a kid in the 80s, he seemed embarrassed of it, but also wanted me to know he loved her and tried to be supportive of her. It's pretty great that he doesn't feel the need to be embarrassed about it anymore. People who are able to learn and grow, and have empathy for other people make the world a better place. This lady doesn't seem to be interested in that.
  3. My parents were born in the 50s and weren't racist, my grandma was born during the depression and wasn't a racist.
  4. I think we had very few of those called on opposing defenses last year, so hopefully at least they are calling it both ways.
  5. I think I saw something about them not calling personal foul calls on close hits out of bounds, I do think Josh has a tendency to gain as many yards as possible right on the edge of the field and try to duck out at the last second to draw a flag, so I do think this might be something that has a (minor) impact on Josh this year.
  6. I don't think these are actual game predictions, they mention they are predicting the lines for QB stats for each game (in which case I think it's right, its very rare for those to be at 300 yds or above)
  7. I honestly don't have any clue about Peters' current ability to play LT, but it is kind of awesome to reflect on his career. I know it sucked that he forced his way out of Buffalo, but looking at how things were during that time, I don't really hold it against him (at least not anymore.) I remember being so excited when we picked him up as an UDFA TE, with LT size, I was hoping we revolutionize Fat Guy TDs, it turns out he was better suited at blocking, but he was amazing once he learned the position.
  8. I tried getting an Uber after a game last year, it was a pretty big mess, with long waits, high prices (and as some have said, there's no guarantee your driver won't cancel after the wait.) I'd avoid it for a night game unless you're ok leaving very late, or have some other backup plan. Have you checked with your hotel to see if they have a shuttle? Renting a car is definitely not a bad option if someone in your party will be ok to drive.
  9. Ozzy rules Here's a cover I did a few years ago of one of my favorites - https://prfmonthlytributeseries.bandcamp.com/track/electric-funeral Forgive it's roughness, I usually only give myself a day or two to work on these types of projects.
  10. A lot of captains, someone's a little disappointed he didn't get picked...
  11. IMO I'd go with Gabe Davis any time TD scorer (was at +145 last I checked.) I think by week 4 that number is going to be consistently right around 100 or even less.
  12. In the new stadium they are supposed to be multifunction
  13. Has anyone suggested / informed on what time Hammer's Lot will be opening (and also I guess when it's expected to fill up?)
  14. I don't believe he said no because I don't believe he was asked (by the Bills)
  15. Maybe but I would think they would know what he’s asking before having him in for the visit.
  16. I don't believe Kern said no, I haven't seen anywhere that he was offered the job.
  17. Did he actually say the Bills offered to bring him in and he said no, or just that he's not signing here. Based on the other punter already being in town today I'd guess Kern maybe wasn't their first choice.
  18. I wouldn't really have expected us to claim a punter, I'd expect they try to sign one today at a possibly lower rate.
  19. So of the guys we were worried about, looks like we lost McCloud (and Tenuta, Tanner Owen and Kingsley Jonathan) but Blackshear and Hodgins were not picked up?
  20. It seems to me you're going in circles here. Yes I watched the press conference - my critique of how the Bills handled this isn't about the use of the words "thorough investigation." If their only excuse is - our investigation wasn't really thorough - my question is why not? Lots of information was available to them, and as you said the only thing that changed was the claim being filed formally. If the claim being filed formally actually changed things, why come out with a statement that seems to indicate he's gonna stay on the team? IMO the most likely opinion is that they did have the same information 2 weeks ago that was released on Thursday, but they were hoping they could get away with keeping him. I also wonder (based on McDermott's first press conference after the Carolina game) if he maybe wasn't aware of the full details of the complaint, and made a decision after reading them that he didn't want the kid on the team. I'm not going to get into it about Allen except to say that at the time I WAS disappointed that they drafted him, and since that time I believe he's proven himself as a decent person, and I was wrong. There's a world of difference between what Allen did and what Araiza has been accused of. And maybe I'm wrong about Araiza, but based on the conversation I believe he did have with the victim, it seems like he's a POS, and I'm glad he's off the team.
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