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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Struggles to keep his balance... http://media3.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/photo/gallery/090728/GAL-09Jul28-2375/media/PHO-09Jul28-171666.jpg
  2. There may have just been some old juice / bread fermenting in that beard. Like prison wine, but you know, on his face.
  3. Nothing if you're JP Losman. But c'mon, Edwards has a Stanford degree. He should be doing the scheduling at the landscaping company.
  4. It was eye opening when the commentators called out the Bills receivers towards the end of the Green Bay game. When they showed the replay, it looked like all of our receivers were double covered. Because other teams are able to get pressure rushing only 3 - 4 guys, this may continue to be the case.
  5. You're right, I was wrong to make fun. Also, earlier in the thread I came clean that my head is also rather large. (I wear a size 7 7/8 hat.) BTW, if people think this thread is mean spirited, that is not my intent. Cornelius, you're right that Ryan has more success in his pinky than I've got in my whole body. I think Ryan, being a smart guy would be able to take a little ribbing. (I know my friends and I would make fun of each other if one of us had that noggin.)
  6. i like the way you think, but I have an idea which is slightly more realistic, and may pay better dividends. let's build a time machine, and go back in time and bring back 25 year old jim kelly with us. or we could bring back some kind of sports almanac and give it to ralph so he would know who to draft and hire on the coaching staff.
  7. Maybe we can convince New England next week to share Brady as the all time QB?
  8. Clausen also has more potential (or at least seems to) than any of our other options.
  9. I know you're speculating. I think it's some pretty ridiculous speculation, because the thought of a coach who would rather guarantee a loss than possibly turn the ball over is absurd.
  10. So you're ok with our coach and QB giving up? It's hard to score from the one, let's just make sure we don't turn the ball over? I'm getting angry.
  11. Think what I like? If we're losing, on the last play of the game, I don't want my QB worrying about turning the ball over. I want him thinking about winning the game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMk5sMHj58I BTW, I'm not so sure about that Greatest Coach Ever tag, but he was right in this instance.
  12. If Gailey said anything even remotely like this, I want a new coach. Right now. And if TE listened to him, I want a new QB right now (even more than I did previously.) Disclaimer: I don't in anyway believe this is the conversation they had.
  13. Broom is the answer. He's getting sacked regardless. I'm pretty sure he gets sacked while he's pumping gas, buying eggs, and making cookies.
  14. Maybe you could give them diabeetus? http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070514150415/uncyclopedia/images/e/ed/180px-Diabeetus_Jaws.jpg
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