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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. I wonder if his moves are better than this guy?
  2. Were any DL active today besides Troup, Dwan, Stroud and Williams? Maybe they just felt they needed the bodies in other places?
  3. He reported the Bills talked to at least one team. I have a feeling the conversation went something like this. Bills: Hey, would you guys consider giving up anything for Trent Edwards? Y'now he started some games for us. It's hard to start in the NFL. Team X: BWAAHAAAHAAAAHAAA, cough, huh, Haa. No.
  4. It wouldn't really have to happen on the first snap. The first series though.
  5. He's above the age of consent now. My guess is that he has claimed he was not when their affair began.
  6. It sucks that they're going after the Mom here, but it obviously costs more then 550 to clean up the scene of an accident like this. Should the taxpayers pick up the cost when someone was driving drunk? I think the issue is just one of name, they should charge what it costs to remove the car and clean up the damage.
  7. What has Jeff Garcia ever done to you for you wish him the permanent disability he would incur playing behind this line?
  8. There's no talk at all of a strike. The talk is of a lockout. A strike is instigated by the players, a lockout by the owners. The players would decertify to be able to file legal action against the owners in the event of a lockout.
  9. If the union decertifies, I would guess that the owners can move forward with whatever players they would like.
  10. For only 5.65$ we'll print and mail your letter?
  11. There is a very good reason for the lockout to happen. The NFL's TV contracts promise full payment in the event of a work stoppage. That means the teams don't have to pay player salaries, but still get a huge chunk of their income. This is going to get ugly, and only legal action (or the threat of legal action) or a complete collapse by the players will prevent a lockout. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ms-laborquestions090810 If the games don't take place they have to pay the $ back. It'd be interesting to find out if they still have to pay it back if the games are played with replacement players.
  12. The PR dept is geared towards actual articles. Not student assignments. She sounds like a whiny, entitled, jackass.
  13. a rookie cap is very likely. i don't think our top draft pick this year will enjoy the bonanza that's been seen in previous years.
  14. Man, I hate Flutie. If this curse has anything to do with that tiny man I'd hate him even more.
  15. Yes. Why is it so hard to believe? The man has done zero to impress 3 coaching staffs. Yeah, sign Tiny Chong.
  16. My hands are kind of sore from the hammering.
  17. From now on Ryan Fitzpatrick is to be referred to only as Ivo Shandor.
  18. So you're saying I should spray Biscuit with some slime and play some happy music?
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