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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. The problem is they won't be able to see half of the player's on the field since Fitz's giant head will be in the way.
  2. Jerk. People like this do exist (I live in Jersey.) This guy ain't one of 'em.
  3. You're crazy. I like you... but you're crazy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvOHbxBAEN8
  4. Gotta be a full 4 years (so it would have been next year.)
  5. Have you seen Garrard's stats? The few people who actually follow the Jaguars (I won't call them fans) have been saying the same thing as us so far this season. It can not possibly be worse. They may find out.
  6. 1. Yes 2. It depends on how many years the player has in the NFL. I think the cutoff is 4 years. Trent, having less than 4 years, was not guaranteed any portion of his contract. (After 4 years, if a player is on the roster on opening day they are paid through the full year regardless.) Your gut - I wouldn't put it past Ralph, but I seriously doubt any team offered anything in draft compensation. After all the talk of teams who would put in a claim, it seems like most didn't.
  7. I had sworn off buying any more tickets until they improved the product. But if Trent is starting for Jax, I may reconsider.
  8. I like the verb "claimed" here. It's like they picked him up from the lost and found. Has anyone seen my sweater?
  9. How fitting. Edwards may save this franchise after all. When Jacksonville names him the starter and he fails to win a single game for the rest of the year, the Jags may move to LA.
  10. If there's any truth to this I don't really want him on my team. I posted that as a joke, mostly to head off comments such as these:
  11. You're right, second guessing is very helpful. We'll be turned around in no time. Thanks!
  12. Let me just get it out of the way. DOOOOMMMEEED!
  13. Internet Tough guy, eh? I'll cower now. That's what you want, right? Cowering? Oh, never mind. I thought this site was for Bills fans. I'm a Bills fan. I told another Bills fan to build a time machine. Good thing you're here to keep jerks like me in line.
  14. 1. Wasting time is its own reward. 2. The belligerence is aimed at the constant second guessing that comes from the casual fan. Every team in the league could have drafted better in every draft, for the past 30 years. I don't understand why people feel the need to bring it up so often. Our team is bad. Of course we would be better if we drafted better.
  15. Stop wasting time and go build your time machine.
  16. It wouldn't surprise me if some of the players went to the coaching staff and pushed for him to be gone. He was not one of them.
  17. I like the thought, but your math is a little off. 30 legitimate starters = super bowl. Remember, there are only 24 starting positions (including kicker and punter.)
  18. At this point in the week I think they'll just save it for Nelson. They're going to need an open spot next week anyway, why bring a guy in with 4 days notice who almost certainly will not dress this weekend?
  19. There were a lot of people who thought Jauron had as much or more to do with Trent's troubles as Trent himself. The fact that Trent played better in training camp and preseason reinforced that.
  20. They were evaluating the players on the roster. They did so based on the players' achievements in practices and in the preseason games. According to just about every report from training camp, Trent Edwards looked like the best option at QB. Why is it such a big deal that based on that they gave him 2 games to start at the beginning of the year?
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