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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. The writer states that we need a roster spot to bring back Nelson, I was under the assumption we would just use Lynch's spot. Anyone know if we signed somebody?
  2. My father taught me that you get what you pay for. That includes government, services, etc....
  3. I never suggested that you or anyone else should be grateful. I said I thank Ralph. I don't care what you do (unless it's opening another one of these GD threads.) I choose to buy a product. At any time, I can choose not to buy said product. Or, at any time Ralph can choose to sell his product elsewhere. It's my opinion that if he had done just that a long time ago he could have made a lot more money.
  4. I made a joke because this thread is a joke. If calling out bull **** is "trolling" then I'm a troll. This topic been discussed forver, and it inevitably serves as a place for people to bash Ralph. I don't know what's in place. I would guess that he has some plans (Most 91 year old millionaires do.) I hope he has made some arrangements for the Bills to remain in Buffalo, but I don't think he owes me or any other fan squat. He's run a business for 50+ years in Buffalo. I thank him for that.
  5. bull ****. I'm not stating what will happen as if it's a foregone conclusion. If you hate him so much maybe it's time to start rooting for a different team. Like the Buffalo Braves (aka LA Clippers.)
  6. Then why not just do it now? You're talking out of your ass.
  7. Well, some people think that if you're good you go to heaven, and if you're bad you go someplace worse than heaven. Other people believe that you are reincarnated, and if you led a good life you'll be reincarnated as a higher being, if you led a bad life you'll be reincarnated probably as a worm or a chinchilla or something. And other people think you just cease to exist.
  8. I'm kind of hoping Pete Carroll asks him to sign a $20.
  9. Maybe you could take care of a certain D. Garrard. No that's too obvious. How about David G? If I get any joy out of this season it will be in watching us sack Trent Edwards repeatedly.
  10. Good bulletin board material for our D. Let's take their pretty boy QB out.
  11. Nope. His rookie contract in 07 was for 5 years, which would expire at the end of next season.
  12. That's it, they're trying to get ahead of the Williams curve. Those crafty Bills.
  13. They said he was not a good starter. Another sure sign that the reading comprehension skills of the people on this board are lacking.
  14. The money is guaranteed, and he got a very small bonus. Which means it is essentially a one year contract, unless he magically turns in to a Pro Bowler, in which case we make out ok.
  15. No. A new stadium in any location in Western NY makes no sense financially. I'm going to ignore it. Crap, too late.
  16. I agree, with the stipulation that if doesn't improve through the rest of the year he should be cut. Uh, he's playing LB, not DE.
  17. You need some schooling on the merits of an irrefutable fact. I'm not disputing the fact that we've been a bad team for ten years. That's a fact. Donahoe, left to his own devices would have run this franchise into the ground. The fact that Ralph did so on his own after firing Donahoe doesn't change that. As another poster pointed out, if Donahoe was such a great GM, why is he currently sitting on his duff?
  18. Our only hope is that there is no signing bonus, so that in reality it becomes a year to year deal. That's unlikely tho'.
  19. You're putting words in my mouth and I don't appreciate it. I am not a media basher. I don't have a problem with Tim Graham, or JW, or Peter King. Mort has raised the point several times of how the Bills would have been better off if they had left Donahoe in place. The man was a Fascist, and on top of that, did not put very good football teams on the field. It's time for Mort to let go of the fact that we fired his buddy TD. That's all.
  20. To me it just sounds like just another shot from afar by Mortensen, who never forgave Ralph from firing his buddy Donahoe.
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