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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. I wonder if that chemistry has anything to do with... DIABEETUS!
  2. probably in a better fashion than the likes of chris kelsay.
  3. Wait, are you saying we should draft Dan Marino? Or just pick a QB with lousy #s? In either case, nice thinking.
  4. These guys don't have the opportunity to fax out resumes. They're under contract. And the players are part of the problem, so I don't understand any sympathy for them. Ralph is telling the truth. This team stinks. If they don't like it, they need to perform better, or find another profession.
  5. I'd feel embarrassed, and I'd work as hard as I could to show the owner and my colleagues (not to mention other employers) that I was a good worker and could be counted on.
  6. I think it's more a question of him not being very effective going over the middle, not that he refuses to do it.
  7. Yeah, but I thought this was going to be about Alf. Dick Jauron is back in pog form.
  8. Take anything out of Thurman's mouth with a shaker of salt.
  9. BS. Our best player was so disgruntled because he was a headcase, asking for a second reworking of his contract in three years. F that.
  10. Randy Moss was just traded for what will likely be a the later part of the third round. In this light, the talk of Evans for a 1st (or 1st and 2nd?) seems incredibly far fetched. (Remember that the Rams picks are likely to be much higher than the Vikings picks this year.) I have to say, with all of the woe is me posts here over the past couple of weeks, I actually don't mind the ridiculous trade ideas as much.
  11. Lining up offsides, illegal formation (not lined up on the line of scrimmage.) Just another indication of a sloppy team. I'm losing patience with this coaching staff, and it has less to do with losing than it does the fact that we seem to be getting worse.
  12. Eric Wood is the guy you're calling out after this game? Jeebus.
  13. I totally agree, I think this is GB blowing smoke. (This is not a vote of confidence in our front office, I just don't think the article makes any sense.)
  14. Peters wasn't run out of town because he stunk. He was run out of town because he was a lazy, greedy SOB. Oh, and here I am!
  15. I get that cheating is cheating, but there are allegations of 1 woman for Favre right now, which are right now just allegations (it could get bigger, but that's all I've seen so far.) Tiger had a new woman coming out every day. I don't see how you can compare the 2.
  16. The NFL has a pay to listen service, I don't think you can get it through ESPN. If I recall correctly it's about $20 for the season.
  17. Robinson's also a sophomore and not eligible for the draft this year.
  18. exactly. steve johnson mimic'd shooting someone. a definite no no with the league (although in his case i think it was in good fun, since he was standing next to their mascot militia.)
  19. I think he's going to be outplayed by Kole Heckendorf.
  20. I'm not aware of this swap, but the NBA site says different: http://www.nba.com/clippers/history/braves.html
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