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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Well, this reporter was...possibly a little hasty earlier and would like to...reaffirm his allegiance to this country and its human president. May not be perfect, but it's still the best government we have. For now.
  2. I agree, because there's less controversy about the BCS system that way. But I don't buy for second that making Cam Newton ineligible would hurt ratings.
  3. Fitzpatrick has kids too. Is Harrison going to pay for their eduction if Fitzpatrick's career is ended on a dirty hit (by JH)? If this were hockey, Ben Roethlisberger would be in trouble.
  4. I would expect the controversy of Newton being declared ineligible to boost ratings. Especially if it made the SEC title game a little more of an even contest.
  5. If Luck's not smart enough to stay in school with the prospect of a work stoppage coming, I'd rather pass anyway.
  6. A giant if - but if Fitzie continues his hot streak through the end of the season I think he warrants consideration. I would say Kyle Williams maybe warrants some consideration, but it's tough to vote in a DT on a defense that is so bad.
  7. It depends on the site, but many sites use a combination of IP address and cookies. Cookies come in handy if you want to remember when a user manually changes their location.
  8. looks like she's holding some cloth or something to her head. maybe a bandage.
  9. I'd be shocked if teams sign their rookies before the new CBA is in place. Especially with millions at stake. Imagine if the rookie cap had been in place for much of this decade. I'm Ko Simpson and I'm worth thousands. I'm saying that he already would seem to be leaning towards staying, having the Bills there to pick him would only clinch it.
  10. Chances are he doesn't come out anyway with the very real likelihood of either a shortened season, or even no season.
  11. I will bet you $10,000 that if the Bills are picking #1, Luck does not come out.
  12. My kingdom to whomever gets the Simpsons reference I was going for here.
  13. I'm not sure if that was supposed to be counterargument to my post, but the fact is the lowest percentage owned by the team lead is 10%. That was the original statement, and it's true. Yes, there is a stipulation that family must own another 20%. Saying that the minimum that the leader can own is 30% is false. So is Latvia, it doesn't mean they can buy an NFL team.
  14. Not anymore. http://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/article/63869
  15. I just reread my post - the lead owner has to have at least 10%. Your numbers are flipped, but the point remains the same. It's not happening.
  16. First is the rule that ownership groups must contain twenty-four or fewer individuals, with I believe the lowest percentage owned by any 1 person being 10%.
  17. Right, but you need the line in place in order to have the conversation. Otherwise you wind up with David Carr.
  18. Yeah, Gailey has totally been unable to admit when wrong. Like when he cut Edwards, or said we might go back to the 4-3. Oh, wait.
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