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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Most of them probably have a regular source of income. And smaller earrings. http://freddyo.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/DSC_03601.JPG
  2. Guys who were arrested for beating their girlfriends and children? Guys who pull guns on their father during an argument? You know, !@#$s.
  3. Hey, good game today Jimmy. Was that you sticking your leg out on the sideline?
  4. I kind of liked seeing them fall apart this year. Even now that they're playing well, I don't mind watching what should be a good division game.
  5. The rule is that if one team had a clear recovery (or would have had one) then that team will be given the ball. It's a bit of a judgement call. The league also trained the refs to not blow the whistle if there is any doubt. They screwed this up twice today, as the Browns had another fumble where the whistle was blown prematurely.
  6. I don't like sticking up for WEO, but he didn't claim the money was gone. He made a joke about the money likely being gone. Right after a detailed post about his guess of how much money Hardy might have left. In this post he clearly labeled it a guess. Take it easy. The Bills won today, why is everyone so testy?
  7. Wouldn't the LT of the future have some sort of lasers?
  8. These both refer to machines in a courthouse. TSA procedures may be different.
  9. Was he inactive because Shanahan is arrogant, or because Haynesworth showed up drunk to practice? Again, do you really think any coach in the league would have (or should have) put up with this?
  10. He's where all fictional characters are. Heaven.
  11. You never hear him yawn, sigh, burp or cough. They have a mute button for that.
  12. It will cost him $900,000 dollars, and also likely the $5.4 he was scheduled to earn next year (although it wouldn't surprise me if someone else ended up paying him comparable or even more money next year.) So far he has been paid $11 million in 2009 ($5 million signing bonus and $6 million salary) and $23.7 million in 2010 ($21 million option bonus and the rest salary.) The Redskins are going to try and reclaim some of the option bonus he was paid this year by saying that he has not performed services as agreed to in their contract. The Eagles did not have success with trying to do this (beyond 4 games) with T.O.; I believe the Falcons did have some success at recouping bonus money to Michael Vick. I'm not sure exactly what bone you have to pick with Shanahan, but to suggest it's a show to cover his own shortcomings is just ridiculous. They paid Haynesworth a ****-ton of money, and they are positioning themselves to try and get back some. Additionally, there isn't a head coach in the league that would stand for the BS that Haynesworth has dealt out so far this season.
  13. If he is reacting strongly (I don't agree that it's blown out of proportion, showing up drunk for practice to me definitely warrants a suspension), I think it has a lot more to do with the amount of $ Haynesworth is being paid.
  14. I agree that it has nothing to do with my sense of right or wrong. That doesn't change the fact that according to the CBA players can be suspended without pay (with cause) for up to 4 games. See: Owens, Terrell and Philadelphia Eagles
  15. Your use of punctuation is breathtaking.
  16. You don't get paid when you show up drunk, or don't do what your boss asks you to do. Neither will he. Also, is Shanahan not supposed to deal with insubordination by a defensive player because his offense has also been bad?
  17. I think Levitre had a personal foul penalty going after a DL, no? Why do you have to be such a ****? Are you the only one allowed to have an opinion? Are you such a great armchair coach that you know exactly what the coaching staff is doing in regards to this team? Don't like my opinion then don't f'n comment on it! You and your self righteous attitude is getting annoying.
  18. How well do you think that #11 offense will do next year (minus Josh McDaniels) with Kyle Orton under center?
  19. i missed the hit that knocked him out of the game, but it seems we did indeed give hime some business.
  20. My sarcasm detector is buzzing like flies, but I don't have any idea which piece of your post is sarcastic. Or is it all of it? Do you think it's good to pick up pro bowlers? Or fringe players? Would you prefer we just lay down and die?
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