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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Yeah, I didn't say that they cover the entire program, only that they are self sustaining and in most cases give something back to other programs. This in response to a poster who complained about it coming from tax money and student tuition.
  2. Orton is also owed a pretty good amount of $ this year, so no way Denver will get that for him.
  3. Most D1 football programs are not only self sustaining, but also add money to the rest of the athletic dept (including scholarships for kids who will graduate and take advantage of the opportunity) and the rest of the school.
  4. http://www.richmolnar.com/Sounds/Homer%20-%20You%27re%20cut!.wav
  5. It's also been years for me. I miss it all the time, but it certainly can be done, and in my case I'm better off for it.
  6. Part of why all devices are supposed to be turned off is that there's good method of determining if the phone is in Airplane mode. I don't understand what the big deal is about turning off the dang phone.
  7. I made sauerbraten, spaetzle and red cabbage yesterday. Delicious.
  8. Well that's cutting it a little bit close, isn't it? I mean, just from a sales point of view, I mean your book is just coming out, you're not gonna see any paperback sales for at least a year. It'll be at least another year before you know whether you've got that mini-series or movie of the week kind of possibilities.
  9. Especially since as the OP pointed out Poz will no longer be under contract.
  10. Sorry if I wasn't specific enough. On every play the first drive, he didn't fumble once, so he definitely took the snap well.
  11. I'm sure that they have. But considering the police arrested him after finding marks on her arms, back and neck, I'm not sure what further evidence would exonerate him.
  12. He abused his girlfriend. Mike Leach only abused players, right? Ok, maybe not. But what evidence exactly would you expect to come out in Heywood's favor? From an earlier ESPN article: Link: http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=5976125
  13. I don't understand at all how they justify suspending them for 5 games... next year. If it's worthy of a suspension they should miss this year's bowl game. I'm not sayng it is, just that it's very suspicious that they find a reason for these kids to be able to play in a bowl. $
  14. I've got a lot of problems with you people. And now you're gonna hear about it. Like how this thread was already started in the appropriate forum. Pin me. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/124912-happy-festivus/
  15. You're obviously a troll since you won't answer my question about the plane crash.
  16. If they had won more games against the NFC (and the same # against the AFC) they would be in the playoffs. Also, don't forget about the plane crash.
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