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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. I looked up NE last few drafts, and was very surprised at how many picks they have traded, so I'll give you that. But it's not all of them.
  2. I stand corrected, according to the only source I could find we were near the middle of the pack in drops this year, although I find it hard to believe Stevie is only credited with 7 drops. http://stats.washingtonpost.com/fb/tmleaders.asp?type=Receiving&range=NFL&rank=232 I don't "act like Kelly didn't have drops too." I stated that the whole comparison is absurd, but that Kelly's receivers were less prone to drops. But I don't remember any receiving corps in Bills history dropping passes like they've done this year. Since I'm not going to volunteer to track down and watch tape from all of Kelly's games (and keep track of every drop) it's kind of a moot point. I also agree that it was a different era, and that receptions in general are easier to come by. I just though the assertion that the 2% difference in completion % was so important was a bit ridiculous. Sometimes I used to think Jim would throw an Interception just so he'd get to tackle the poor bastard who caught it.
  3. If I could find drops from the 1990s I would. Stevie had a lot. Googling and searching the usual sites (e.g. espn) don't even return it as a stat this year. To crunch some estimated #s, if he has 2 a game which I think is low, and we're passing 33 times in a game (actual average) that's 6%. Much more than the 2% which you seem to think is a huge deal. Alpha, I really disagree. I understand that every QB has dropped passes, but the Bills had multiple games with a large # of drops. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find #s, if anyone has them I'd love to see something on it. If there is 1 additional drop per game it works out to about a 3% increase in completion rating though.
  4. It should be music to all fans of the NFL (unless you happen to be an upcoming high draft pick.) Pay attention. There will be no difference in 2011 and 2012.
  5. Again, I'm not saying the comparison is a good one, only that if you're going to make the comparison, a 2% difference in completion percentage is easily covered by just Stevie Jjohnson's dropped balls.
  6. So do the Patriots literally trade every pick they have every year?
  7. Two things. First, I don't have a problem with picking up a pick or two in next year's draft, but to be honest, I'm kind of sick of losing, and would rather have a player now. I think to say that should be our goal is a little bit suspect. I think our goal should be to improve our football team as much as possible, and as soon as possible. Second, either you or I need a refresher on the meaning of the word "literally".
  8. Overall I think the comparison is flawed, but I find your comparison of the completion % to be ridiculous. Jim was throwing to Andre Reed and James Lofton in those prime years (not to mention Beebe, Metzelaars, Thurman, and Tasker.) Fitz had Lee Evans and Stevie "God made me drop it" Johnson. C'mon. I'm not sure if dropped passes are kept as a stat (or if so if it was kept in the early 90s) but if it were I'd be willing to bet it would bring his completion % up to a much more respectable # in comparison with Jim. yup
  9. It's actually fairly common, especially at schools which actually graduate most of their players.
  10. I think he meant his younger and less funny brother. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_s02kJT0mWAw/SM-84jAv9RI/AAAAAAAAAR0/n299c1RwO_8/s400/farley_kevin.jpg
  11. I'd be willing to bet bet he'll take out insurance if he does indeed stay.
  12. If he called a man sweetcakes and then !@#$ I also would think he should be fired, yes. How was she intruding on his conversation? He was talking to her.
  13. Consider yourself corrected. The team whose roster he is on would pay any roster bonuses due. http://www.nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/40935472/sports/player_news
  14. VY was too crazy for Bud Adams. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTxHuUGG_2c
  15. If I called someone at work "sweetcakes", followed by "!@#$" when she politely objected I would be fired. And rightfully so. I doubt it's an ethics thing with ESPN. They just realized that this guy could potentially cost the network a lot more in liability than he is worth (which isn't much IMO.)
  16. I have a really hard time believing that anyone actually thinks this wasn't the right thing to do.
  17. I think he was fired for calling her an !@#$ after she asked him nicely not to call her sweetcakes. That is my understanding.
  18. Last night I finished up some homemade shaker lemon pie. Tonight it's split pea soup made from the leftover Christmas ham (including stock from scratch.)
  19. The OP is confusing; just to clarify, the announcer did not make the comment about the Bills. Also, this was the 2nd time he'd been reprimanded for something like this, so it's not surprising they fired him.
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